You & I Were Here !

                                                         Have you ever asked yourself , what is it that I want to be remembered by ? Has it ever occurred to you that your existence has an important part to play in not just your life , but also in the lives of many others . I have never really thought about this before and to be honest don't ask what has me thinking in this vein now . Since starting this blog many strange things have happened to me ! Nothing of maybe great consequence to others , but when its happening to you , you definitely notice any change in your behaviour and most importantly ,in  your way of thinking . Pre-blog me was quite content to vent some of my strange ideas on my wife Catherine , and that was alright because , she would do the same . Ante - blog me is not just happy being what I conceived to be the way things should be on one level , but now happy to be what I am on another level . If that makes any sense to you ?
                                                         You see sometimes your mind is just content flowing along the way it should be , and as you get older that pace starts to slow down . You're no longer fast in relation to picking things up . You don't even notice that when asked a question about some memory , you pass the fact that you can't remember as being just a case of getting old . Maybe thats not you , but it certainly is me . I have a great memory when its in relation to years ago , But ask me about something that happened more recent , well sometimes it can be a little blurred . Not so much as to make it a problem , it doesn't , but since I started blogging the fact that I'm writing stuff down is a little confirmation that everything upstairs is still in working order .
                                                        We see ourselves as part of a huge stage full of people playing their parts to the best of their ability . We pretend , we lie , we tell the truth and once we don't hurt anyone that makes it so much more acceptable . Remember we are all just human beings , with so many character failings , and flaws . But always we are parts of a human jigsaw puzzle . Some on the edges and most on the inside , and still nothing more than bit players in this human drama called life .And we all want to make our mark , no matter how small , as a sign that You Were Here !
                                                       So having explained how I have gotten to this place and moment in my life , I have found my new activity to be both rewarding and stimulating . I have re-established my connection with the human race , I have a new energy that I felt was ebbing away slowly . My wife has been so supportive and reads my blogs before they are even finished . And she is my best and worst critic , and she keeps my thoughts simple and precise .
                                                       I have found this blog to be so easy to write , it kinda just flowed , and found no difficulty getting my feelings out there . Its not important if no one reads them , thats not the reason for doing it , I know the reason now as explained earlier . So do yourself a favour , and even if you don't want it aired in public , write those feeling down on a journal of some sort . Do it , you won't believe how liberating it is .


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