Simply Because Its Wrong !

                                                      Just reading the news today , Taliban kill students in school to let the Pakistani's know the feeling of hurt and loss . Another nutter holds people hostage and kills three in siege in Australia . All in the name of God ! All in the name of freedom and continuity . All f...... senseless in my humble opinion .
                                                      You wake up one morning , and you're a bit under the weather , had maybe a little too much to drink or smoke , so you're a little tetchy to say the least . Why don't I bomb the arse out of something ? That'll make me feel fulfilled , that'll stop me feeling so tetchy .  Yeah lets just kill some innocent women and children who have no defence or understanding that walking out their front door this morning will be their last . No matter I am doing it in the name of God .
                                                      Now to be honest me and God are not getting along of late , there is too much emphasis on the justification of massacre . Its says in the bible I can do this because the Lord said so . I can issue a fatwah on the guy next door because he doesn't respect the Koran . AND IT GOES ON AND ON AND ON !
                                                     I assume we are all talking about the same creator , the one and only , that its basically the interpretation of his Godliness thats in question . Your understanding of his need for adoration , your feelings of ecstasy towards his magnificence . Do yourself a favour , this is a real world  filled with pain , suffering , happiness , and so many other things built and destroyed by YOU . God if he exists , will have given you the will to do these things . And the God I might see in my mind , would certainly not condone any of your mindless atrocities , and slaughter in his name .
                                                    You all get caught up in the my religion is more accurate and factual than yours . My prophet is the Supreme prophet , and yours is not really worth mentioning . We all have freedom of speech , we all have a mind that can decide whats right and whats wrong . Its your leaders that distort the truth , its your religious teachings that distort the truth . Because very simply , all these things and religions are so open to interpretation . So your understanding of the Angel coming down from heaven , might just not tally with your next door neighbours view .
                                                    Its so easy to blame others for our actions , but to be honest we are all held responsible in the great scheme of things . If you did it its your baby , and don't say ...........well I was pushed to do it , my religious teacher said it was right , and thats what made me do it . Understand we all have the capacity to kill , but the majority of us don't do it simply because its wrong !


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