The Fine Gael Debacle !

                                                       Have you ever wondered what really goes on in a politicians head ? What sort of animal are they ? What is it that makes them liars and deceivers , completely out of touch with who elected them . They are narcissistic creatures who have no interest other than lining their already bulging pockets , methinks they are the scum of the earth . Methinks there should be a law against lying politicians , and if found to be guilty , they should suffer the hardship of a hundred lashes . They should be named , as the one responsible for whatever they are found guilty of , and should be cast into oblivion by their party . Thats also assuming that the said party are honest in the first place ! You just know I am on a roll here ! You just know I am angry here . Its perfectly obvious that I have an axe to grind here , preferably on certain politicians heads . Now did you get all that ?
                                                       In Ireland at the moment , there are large demonstrations against water charges . The problem is we have already been charged in taxes for said water , and we will not be taxed again for it . Enter a certain Leo Varadkar into the equation , he is the Health Minister here in Ireland , and has come out and said " He really doesn't understand why people are demonstrating against these charges " , and that it really bothers him . He also said "there were more important things , and bigger issues in Irish Society . There in lies the problem !
                                                      Firstly , he has no understanding of the depth of hatred and abhorrence the people of Ireland have for his party , Fine Gael . He doesn't equate taxes with poverty and cycling up a hill . He is an arrogant unaffected f... up  that goes swanning around pretending to be competent . His Taoiseach ( Prime Minister ) Enda Kenny is another arrogant f... up and deserves all the attention I spoke of earlier in relation to liars and how they should be dealt with . All I will say now is , the people of Ireland will treat you with the contempt that Liars Thieves and Deceivers should be dealt with , and soon , so very soon . Mr Kenny and your party , you are living on borrowed time . You will never repeat NEVER be forgiven for the DEBACLE that is called
Leo Varadkar 
 governing this country of Ireland !


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