The Sweet , Sweet Sugar Clubs !

                                                  In my previous blog Legal Poisons , I set out my feelings about how we are poisoning ourselves with what  we are putting in to our bodies , and not to over exaggerate we are doing this day in day out .
                                                  Your recommended daily intake of sugar is for men 9 teaspoons , and for women 6 teaspoons ! This is according to the A.H.A American Heart Association . There is a definite distinction between sugars that occur naturally in vegetables and fruit , and so called added sugars .
                                                 The reason I am talking about this , is very simple . Last night my wife and I watched an amazing movie called " Fed Up " , its basically about how the food industry is poisoning us all with SUGAR ! And whats worse is they have created new names for sugar ,so that we can easily be confused as to their dangers .The most common added sugar is the usual table variety sucrose , and then there's the High Fructose Corn Syrup a much cheaper variety .
                                                  Excess sugar consumption has been associated with obesity , type 2 diabetes ,certain cancers and liver disease . To go into all these dangers would take hours , so let me just say try and access this movie its enlightening to say the least . Truthful and frightening , and always clear and concise !
                                                 If you have or give one bowl of cornflakes to your children in the morning , that in itself equates to 5 TEASPOONS OF Sugar , do the math , if your allowance per day is 6 teaspoons , well before you or your children go to school , you have already consumed your daily allowance . Oh and by the way , babies aren't left out either , there are added sugars in Milk Formula too . They want your children hooked from an early age , so they can join the Ronald McDonald club , and the Coca Cola Club , and the Pepsi Club , and the Chicken Nugget Club . This hasn't happened by accident , this is a well planned assault on our children and ourselves , put together by the American food Industry and exported to you , me , and everyone else .


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