Just Ordinary !
I was reading a blog on google plus , it was from a young girl , maybe 15 years old . It went something like this ,When I look in the mirror all I see is ugliness . When I walk down the street and see another girl with a good looking guy , I say to myself , why can't that be me ? When I see someone with a great figure , I would die for that figure . I walk pass this amazing house with big gardens and big windows , why can't I be living there ? I am doing so badly in school , why can't I be like other students and be good with my grades ? This is the way the blog went , and to be honest it kinda hits you hard when you see someone reaching out like that , with such a low opinion of themselves . Their self esteem is obviously very low , and they can only see a road running uphill all the time . Its a struggle !
I then noticed there were maybe 5 replies to the blog , and each one of them was identical in that they fully understood everything the young girl had written . They didn't sympathize , they added to the misery by joining her club . Me too was the message , and not once was there a line of hope .
With all the telltale signs there , with all the obvious pain these girls are suffering , surely someone should notice and try to help them . I a stranger , never having met any of them , realize at first hand that a problem exists in their lives . They need help of some description , they need to get their self image back on track , and they need understanding of what they are going through .
I think the problem lies with the media , and their portrayal of how people should look and behave . You must be thinner , you must be taller , you have to be talented to be successful in this life . Anything other than the expected is just not acceptable , and if you are JUST ORDINARY you are not good enough .I know what my response has been and always will be to peer pressure and expectancy , but that doesn't help these poor girls . Life is hard enough without making it a struggle for some , but we are all too good at making things difficult ! Why can't being JUST ORDINARY be cool ?
I then noticed there were maybe 5 replies to the blog , and each one of them was identical in that they fully understood everything the young girl had written . They didn't sympathize , they added to the misery by joining her club . Me too was the message , and not once was there a line of hope .
With all the telltale signs there , with all the obvious pain these girls are suffering , surely someone should notice and try to help them . I a stranger , never having met any of them , realize at first hand that a problem exists in their lives . They need help of some description , they need to get their self image back on track , and they need understanding of what they are going through .
I think the problem lies with the media , and their portrayal of how people should look and behave . You must be thinner , you must be taller , you have to be talented to be successful in this life . Anything other than the expected is just not acceptable , and if you are JUST ORDINARY you are not good enough .I know what my response has been and always will be to peer pressure and expectancy , but that doesn't help these poor girls . Life is hard enough without making it a struggle for some , but we are all too good at making things difficult ! Why can't being JUST ORDINARY be cool ?
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