So Perfectly Imperfect !

                                                           So welcome back to reality , or more correctly welcome back to sanity . We had a wonderful Christmas dinner with my son and his wife and their children Zoe & Alannah . Its always nice to be in the company of children at Christmas , you can release your inner child . Everyone is so busy getting everything just right , being a grandparent without those responsibilities leaves you free to indulge in childish pursuits . I had never foreseen this in my parenting days , as my parents died before my children got a chance to know them . What a pity they didn't get the indulgence that my wife and I pour on our grandchildren .
                                                          Its like they have been denied the closeness of a grandparent , and that fact kinda makes me feel sad in a way . My other grandchildren , Chris , Scott , Jamie , Billy and beautiful Lily are a bit further away from us and it makes it harder to be with them . But we get to see them as much as we can , but as any grandparent knows enough is not often enough . These people are your extensions , they are the light that shines when you need to be awoken . They are the energy you used to be full of , and they fill you up just watching them and seeing them grow . They are never boring , because every second in every day they develop beyond your wildest imagination . They are gifted and talented in their own subtle ways , some are outspoken and loud , some are just quiet and maybe  a little less outspoken . But they all have one thing in common , all seven of them are our grandchildren . They will and already have made mistakes , but thats just the way it is .
                                                          They will never be perfect , so don't expect them to be . They will never be completely trustworthy , so don't expect that either . I wish I had this knowledge when I was setting out on my early days of parenthood , it would have been very beneficial . But I didn't and here we are , all so perfectly imperfect in every way . This is real , this is how it is , so try and enjoy all the imperfections that go with parenthood , so their grandparents can watch , sit back  and say , been there , done that , and look at you you're still imperfect , and you always will be , just like me,
like it or not  !


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