
Showing posts from November, 2014

A Position Thats Unattainable !

                                                When I get into my contemplative state , when I need to remember things , its not always possible to remember something that might have been relevant ! This is not because I have chosen to forget ,  simply put I just can't remember . Sometimes this forgetfulness can be helpful , and then sometimes it can get me into trouble , being accused maybe of selective memory . But the one true thing I can remember is being always fair , never favouring anyone or anything , I just felt no matter what always give people and especially your children equal opportunity and time .                                                 I would love to remember so much more , you know some of the little things that get los...

Pillars Of Normality !

                                                     All we have is the art of conversation to help us communicate with each other . Its not just good enough to assume that what you mean can be explained with an expression , or a nod and a wink . Sometimes you just need to lay things out as precisely as you can so that their is no misunderstanding . As I said this is the only way we have to communicate properly and concisely with each other .                                                     Its so easy to just sit back and take for granted what was said in your direction in the first place . Not always a good idea , then your partner or whoever misreads what was said initially  and then all hell breaks loose .  ...

Reaching Nirvana !

                                                 Good afternoon , and welcome to the Commentdome ! I just this minute thought that one up , but you get the message ? We as individuals always have a way of either gladdening or upsetting each other . We don't really intend to upset , and when we do ,  as soon as we do it the usual reaction is well I wasn't being serious , I was only joking ! And of course as soon as these words make it out of your mouth , you have just basically admitted to your guilt . Now nine times out of ten your comments are acceptable , but then there's that tenth time when all hell breaks loose , that invisible line has just been crossed and its no longer a joke ! We all do it , and to be honest its not very nice to be confronted with the truth about your not so clever behaviour .                 ...

A Drama You're Not Privy To !

                                                      Good evening people's , hope you all had a nice happy and productive day ! Its so difficult to be positive when the days are so short , but you have to do your best to not let it get you down too much . Sit down somewhere comfortable for maybe ten minutes , close your eyes and pretend you're somewhere sunny and you're doing nothing other than relaxing , and if you want to , throw in a few cocktails if thats your drink of choice ? Thats the great thing about imagining things , you can dream up any old twaddle your mind cares to churn out .                                                       Now that kinda brings me to another point , how ? Don't ask . I don't know ei...

On My Way !

                                                   As is always the case on a Friday , my wife and I went shopping , well let me correct myself , my wife went shopping and I went to sleep in the car . After reading some of my book I correct myself , then went to sleep . OK ?                                                    I was disturbed from my sleep by the ringing of my phone maybe one hour later , I am finished come collect me , I'll be at the usual spot , the other voice said at the end of the line , to which I answered " On my Way ".                                                    Now the no...

Surviving This Madness Friday !

                                                 Hope you all had a great black Friday in the States , buying in a frenzy seems to be the way to go ! There were riots in many English stores as they take on board another one of your buying traditions . Some queued from the night before outside some stores in the hope of getting a bargain . How strange and violent people can be when faced by an opposing shopper after the same bargain . Its not a place I'd like to be in the middle of all this chaos . You Americans are to blame for this , Black Friday ? It should be called " Surviving This Madness Friday ". You American shoppers have a lot to answer for , and whats worse is that everyone else is buying in to it . I think you're all Mental !

Constructive or Destructive !

                                                  May I welcome the new readers of my blog from America , Cyprus , Germany and France  , nice to see you're all getting involved in some small way , you are obviously interested in some of the little titbits and anecdotes I like to share from time to time . To be honest I didn't find this pastime , more than that it kinda found me . For someone who has never really had great communicative skills , I find this activity so liberating , and so often very rewarding . From one minute to the next I really don't have a plan , or a subject ! Its hard to explain , but all I can say is , all of my pieces are as accurate as they can be , some from my own experiences and some not . But the important thing about this pursuit , is that I take it not very seriously , but take the subjects I write about seriously , if that make...

Practical v/s Theory ?

                                                      So there you are raising your three children , the best you know how , celebrating Christmas , organising birthdays , introducing them to school and the rest of the other bits and pieces that make up parenting .                                                       You go to work and do whats expected of you to b ring home the bacon , and that bacon was at times not very lean , if you know what I mean ? Still it was our bacon and we made do the best we could . We got Santa to deliver the presents as we always did , and to be honest at times Santa wasn't very generous , he sometimes was a little short on what was expected by our children . But we managed , and no one w...

Comfortably Civil !

                                            Though we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Ireland , I would like to wish all our American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving , I would like to wish all our not so good friends a Happy Thanksgiving too . Have a great day , push all your worries and misgivings aside and be comfortably civil towards each other !

Taking The Biscuit !

                                                             I'm sitting here minding my own business , as you do , and I get a message on my phone ! My wife is sitting next to me as usual , so I open the message . Hi Chris it said , your ironing needs doing , I have it ready for you , but it needs your attention .                                                             Now I am not normally one to shirk away from my duties and chores , but getting texts from your wife about the state of my laundry , well I thought that just takes the biscuit ! So if you missed me these past THREE HOURS , thats what I was doing . She keeps me sane she does !

Without Hate ( The Real Founding Father's ) .

                                                  Well happy thanksgiving day , and as you will all be probably busy stuffing your faces with God knows what , I thought it a tiny bit appropriate to send my best wishes for a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving . But you just know neither my wishes or yours will allow that to happen . America is a war zone ,and I can't really see them cooking the proverbial Turkey for the poor and starving Native Americans anytime soon .And the Syrian refugee crisis , your response just keeps getting worse and worse !                                                   The only way you will be able to ignore whats going on is to shut yourself away somewhere , no wi-fi , no phones , televisions or any other media b...

Assholes & Opinions !

                                                  Opinions are like ass holes , we all have one ! Now whether we choose to use those opinions for our own reasons , or for other outside influences thats completely up to ourselves . The most important thing is I feel , that once you have an opinion and you use it , well thats all that really matters .                                                  I love debate , I love the effect thats created when you get opposing views , and a lot of the time its aimed at basically the same positive outcome . But its truly amazing that when you all want the same thing , but hardly ever agree as to how to handle it .                         ...

" The Golden Few "

                                                         Where do we get our energy and purpose when all about us is in shit ? What makes us want to believe in each other after untold things have been done against us , and more importantly to us ? There's times I struggle just trying to find goodness in human beings , and you say why ? I say show me a person who has not been taken advantage of , show me someone who is without grief or sorrow . Show me someone who has not been stung by either friends or family . You know exactly what I'm talking about , you have experienced the wickedness of people , you have felt the pain of being let down . These are the ills of mankind and sometimes its hard to deal with such treachery .                                   ...

Sub Prime Loans !

                                                          Sub Prime loans , now anyone who has ever gone through the financial rigmarole of a mortgage over the last ten years will understand what a Sub Prime loan is . Sub Prime means that in any way possible to make your earnings for any one year agreeable to a lending institution , you prop those earnings up any way you can so you will qualify for said mortgage . It basically allows people heretofore apply for mortgages who because of their low income , previously were disallowed . Needless to say this is a very risky and illegal way of attaining a mortgage , and millions of couples have suffered financial ruin as a result .                                                 ...

Misplaced Billions !

                                                       I spoke earlier in one of my blogs in relation to why there are so many wars , why the U.S.A is always at the heart of these wars , and who benefits from these wars .                                                        Now I am reading about a new book released and written by James Risen called "Pay At Any Price ". He explains and understands why war is of great benefit to certain corporations in America . He also explains how the amount of private security institutions are popping up all over the states , and making certain companies huge profits . And as I explained earlier , paranoia is a huge money spinner .           ...

My Own Private Filtering System !

                                                           I was a product of the 60's , I was a person who believed and still does in the power of your own decisions . Yes , as you go along you learn and take in all the good things that life has to offer you , and sometimes the bad too ! As you get older you construct a filtering system within yourself that makes any bad decisions you may have made , something you can deal with , and eventually put right . This filtering system I've found to be very useful at times .                                                            You think you've made the right decision in relation to some problem you've encountered , and then reality smacks you...

Moments in your Life !

                                                         Well Lily had a great day yesterday , and so did everyone else . The journey down and back was a bit tiring , but worth it in the end . These are moments in your life that kinda stand out . and when you're there for them it makes you happy in the knowledge that things can be good sometimes . Again Lily you were wonderful , especially when you didn't cry when I held you !

Lily !

                                                              Let me apologise in advance for my lack of activity today , I will be celebrating my grand daughter Lily's 1st birthday . And so we will be travelling most of the day , but as you can well understand we will be enjoying her 1st birthday party ! Happy birthday Lily !

The World Has Gone F...... Mad !

                                                     So now Pooh Bear is an alcoholic HERMAPHRODITE with no testicles , and is an inappropriate role model for children . Oh he's also a liar , and because of his nakedness should be banned from a Polish playground !                                        The World Has Gone F...... Mad !

Mans Inhumanity to Man !

                                                            Ok lets begin , so the world is in shit . The global governments have been proven to be nothing other than puppets on a massive scale previously unseen ! They have lined their own pockets at the expense of you , me , and every other decent human being out there . They have been found out to be liars , cheats , and deceivers . But there is a change acoming , there is a huge global objection to their crimes and practices , they no longer will be unnamed , they will no longer be protected .                                                             This change has started on the front lines , and I am so proud and happy to see this ch...

The Eleven Jury Members !

                                                             I read a tweet from Johnny Depp recently about why people should ignore taboos and the usual restraints they put on their sometimes outgoing nature . Some people are quite happy just to exist , just to be normal , just to be unseen and unheard . Now I suppose in normal circumstances that would be an acceptable stance , but these times we live in are not normal ! There are too many things going on that normal is not how I would describe them , F......Mental would be more apt !                                                             There's nothing I hate more in life than people who choose to sit on the proverbial fence ! T...

Absence without Solace !

                                                     I was just about to write a blog , and to be honest my heart wouldn't have been in it .I've had a particularly long day , awake early , and having to abstain from food and drink since the night before , I wouldn't have been very good company ! So apologies for my absence without solace , I am just getting back to myself having eaten for the first time all day ! Be good to yourselves , you are the best people I know who should spoil themselves . Enjoy your evening ! x

Please Yourself !

                                                            From a personal perspective its difficult when you want to express evenly and openly about things that effect you . You get to your teens and you are invincible , all powerful and untouchable . You hopefully survive this , and start to get maybe a little concientious about your development and future .                                                            Now this is the hard part , choosing which way to go , choosing which job you might excel at . Difficult decisions , and in a lot of cases having to choose from only what is available . Not always finding possibilities in areas you might excel at . Lord knows we have all heard...

You Will Get Yours !

                                                          Now how do you feel about a family having an estimated wealth of  something around 500 TRILLION Dollars ? No you haven't misread , it really is FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND BILLION ! Sounds about right ! What do you buy a family that his this sort of wealth at their disposal for Christmas ? Woolen mittens , maybe a box of chocolates , or lets go all out and get them a Litre Bottle of Baileys ! Yes they'd appreciate some good old Irish Baileys .                                                           Now I hear you ask who are these very fortunate individuals ? Well you see thats the problem , they don't want you to know who they are , but they ...

Winning & Not Coming 1st !

                                                       Why do we torture ourselves with feelings of inadequacy and underachievement ? Throughout our lives if you're a half decent human being , no matter what task or problems you are given you face them fully and give them your best shot .                                                        Then there's the flip side to that , knowing you have given your all you still feel inadequate because of possible parental pressure , or your own personal peer pressure .  These are the problems we all face day by day , we are so unforgiving of ourselves that we actually drive ourselves into a corner that sometimes is impossible to get out of .       ...

Compassionate Mode !

                                                            While thinking about the usual goings on the the world , you try and be objective and positive .You try and see the good in humanity , and to be honest by and large there is so much good out there . People seem to be sympathising , and empathising with each other and trying to understand each others difficulties . There is always someone who needs your help and good will , and the majority of people are quite happy to help in any way possible .                                                            There always seems to be an upturn in this behaviour when it gets close to certain holidays . Christmas , Thanksgiving , but to name...

The Worst Scum Imaginable !

                                                               There are some things you just generally ignore , and then there's certain things its so hard not to ! For example , you're watching a football match , or even just minding your own business , and someone be it on air , or who come to your door asking for money to help the Ebola epidemic , or bird flu , or The Alzheimers association , whoever , it really doesn't matter what association it is . But there you are living on the basics , and then you think to yourself what in the name of God are these people asking me for money when the rich of this world , stinking rich I need add are the one's who should be paying for these things .                                       ...

Please Form A Circle !

                                                             Throughout your life you're confronted by many religious symbols . You're introduced to as many religious traditions , even though you may not have any connection spiritually or otherwise . All round you are religious icons , Cathedrals . Crosses . Stars of David , Synagogues , Mosques and all the rest of it .                                                              I suppose these icons are reminders to their followers that they always have some kind of sanctuary when their minds and souls are possibly being tortured by this 21st century conundrum of ours , life .               ...

Merchants of Plymouth Rock !

                                                         Thanksgiving day is coming up soon in the U.S.A . This year it will be celebrated on the 27th November and on Thursday as always . This according to the traditions is a time of reflection and sharing , and coming together of families so they can give thanks for their happiness and position . In some ways Thanksgiving is more important a festival than Christmas is to some Americans .                                                          Though we would all like our family get togethers to pass peacefully and happily , sometimes there's just no way to avoid issues that sometimes are hidden and have been hidden for many many years . And it takes...

Savoy Truffle !

                                                         My two lovely grandaughters had a  sleepover  in our house last night ! What A Night !                                                          Chalk & cheese does not do their being so unalike an accurate description any good . But together under the same roof , tasmanian devils are slower , these two are the ultimate formula 1 energy sappers . In such an extremely lovely and rewarding way , they demand your attention , and so voluntarily you give in to those demands .                                               ...

Principles or Money ?

                                                        Whats it like for you on the run up to Christmas ? Where does your attention center the most ? Why is it so important to even Celebrate Christmas any more , seeing as its nothing more than a presenting gifts holiday .  Doesn't really matter whether you're Catholic, Protestant , whatever Ism you choose to follow , its not about the season of good will anymore , its simply about The Season of Large Presents .                                                        Now don't get me wrong , I love Christmas , in our home it was always custom to watch Jimmy Stewart in " Its A Wonderful Life  " on Christmas Eve . I always thought that the message in tha...

Optimism !

                                                     How are we all today ? Have we gotten rid of all the stress accumulated over the last week ? Well its Saturday , so you have grounds for optimism , well you should have ! Think positive today , even if its not in your nature , give it a go you might surprise yourself !

Company Policy !

                                                               Have just come down from the speed wobble I had earlier , not nice I can tell you , but I haven't had to take any medication so thats a plus ! Apologies for my lack of activity today , but as I've just explained it was beyond my control !                                                               So where was I ? Oh yes , trying to behave like an adult while all around you are treating you like an imbecile . You must know what I'm talking about , I call it the falling down syndrome . If you haven't seen the movie well maybe you should !                     ...

Passata !

                                                                 Have you ever had a day when everything you do , you do it as if you're on speed ?  Well my friends today I gave a great impression of speedy gonzalez ! The thing is there was no rush , I didn't have to be anywhere at a given time , and somehow there just wasn't enough hours in the day .  Even now I am writing this at breakneck speed , and I needn't tell you the mistakes are just multiplying as I go . No matter the auto spell will correct  everything .                                                                 I forgot to tell you all yesterday , I made the best meatball sauce I have...

The Ultimate Conundrum !

                                                       Now its getting closer to Christmas , its the time of storytelling and getting into the Christmas frame of mind . You've probably already seen your first Christmas commercial , and were secretly it . Its getting so out of hand , the toy companies are pressing their products as early as October . It can just be so annoying , by the time Christmas arrives , you're so pissed off you just want January to arrive as soon as possible , and it never comes fast enough !                                                        So what are you getting from Santa ? Whats top of your list this year ? You are answered with an I Phone this , and an I Phone that . Maybe a ta...

Gut Feelings !

                                                            I almost never believe in coincidences ! But sometimes when you least expect it something happens and it tells you , you should take heed and just follow that something through . Something that makes no sense , except a feeling in your stomach that says something is not quite right here . Now normally I would dismiss this as just exactly that coincidence , and not give it another thought , and generally I would be right to ignore said coincidence , but every so often you must give in to your gut feeling .                                                          

Legitimate Gangsters !

                                                          Nice to see a little activity on my blog , I was starting to get paranoid about it . You see though your thoughts are your own , and you like to share them , its nice to see them being shared to God only knows who ! Since starting this activity , I have hooked up with people I haven't seen or heard from in many years , and that is a definite plus . You assume these people are either dead , or so caught up in their own bubble that they wouldn't have time for this . Surprise surprise , something is generating a great deal of energy out there and the masses want to be informed . We have all been in the dark too long , its enlightenment time ! So to those special people and you all know who you are , thank you for succeeding in lifting my faith in human nature .         ...

This Human Virus !

                                                             I wanna take time out to salute all those brave men and women who wake up every day and suffer the pains of a truly unjust system . As I am a lot older than the young parents who have to live hand to mouth every day , I still understand their battle with daily hills that need climbing .  Those hills at times must seem like mountains , and the more you climb the more you slip down , one step forward two steps back .                                                             Then you hear about politicians with their massive wages , and then you hear about their massive pensions , and they then ask YOU to tighten your belt...