
Showing posts from October, 2014

The Sugars Of Life !

                                                       Well I have finally got through the hundreds of messages and e/mails sent to me by the willing and supportive masses . You have definitely captured my attention ,  and am now willing to write on issues sent to me by your good selves . This is not something I normally do as you can well understand , but the demand has been so great I felt I just had to give in happily !                                                       I have found great strength in your following , and above all in your involvement , so I stand back and bow to you all in amazement . Plaudits over , let me continue .                     ...

We Are The 99% !

                                                          With every day that passes by , there just seems to be so much out there for people to demonstrate against . These people don't do this because of nothing better to do , they do it with heart , conviction , and belief in their chosen subject . Its too easy to get bored with all the signs , banners , and organisations preaching a need for change in our so called democratic society . That said , don't ever lose sight of the fact that said change does need to come , we deserve to be free from political oppression , we do need to be vigilant when an injustice appears right on our doorstep and on others too . We all have the right to live in harmony with others , and not be bullied by governments so tight with huge corporations , that backhanders and profit are the only things that these peop...

Empathy !

                                                       I've been getting hundreds of letters and messages of support in relation to my selfless pursuit of the answers and reasons to and for the human condition . Its such a personal favourite of mine , that I put so much energy into it .  You know how when you sit down for lunch somewhere different from before , and you simply watch and wonder at the human condition . The swirling of the hands when someone tries to explain something simple to somebody else . The twitching of the lips , top and bottom when not at all impressed by the views of another . The running of the fingers through one's hair in total frustration at someone's total lack of empathy . Now there's a nice word Empathy !                               ...

Victor MacGyver Meldrew !

                                                            Now where was I ? Oh yes , we were having a chat about your beautiful memory , and how certain things jog it . Remember ? Well don't ask me , I'm having problems just processing my own . Its times like these that the help of a memory co-ordinator would come in handy . You know what I'm saying ? You can recite Longfellow from a generation ago , and what did we watch last night is a blur . You see immediate memory is a far distant planet , that cannot be explored because of the alien invasion inside my head .                                                            Does it bother me ? In the words of some ancient sage " Not A Jot "....


                                                           When its time for yours and my demise , we will be measured on our achievements , our actions and all of  our efforts in life .  As the good Buddha said , we will be examined , and our deeds will be our Karma .                                                            When you hear and read stories on the effect of the human footprint on our planet , its hard to estimate the good we've achieved . If any . When the time comes we will have killed the last piece of fowl flying in our skies , we will have taken the last fish from our lakes , and when the land has told us there is no more growth because of mans interference in ...

If The Gods Permit !

                                                            Sometimes we forget who we are , we also forget who we've been in another life . We lose sight of things and friends that made and still make us who we are . Until someone you haven't seen in a long long time reminds you of how simple things should be , and you set about trying to remember all of who you were . That said , its never enough just to remember , its also so important to put in to practice what you've re-learnt , and re-experienced .                                                            You sit down at a table and eat a dinner , and drink some wine . You have this sense of being calm and relaxed , and you go with th...

Not an If , But When !

                                                        I am sitting here looking into space and trying to find some sort of inspiration , its not coming ! Its telling me inspiration is not just all you need , its imagination , its empathy , its understanding and awareness ! Try putting all of these things into a story and you'd have a best-seller . Try and put them into practice and you'd get a headache .                                                        Sometimes all you want is a little bit of peace and quiet , you know ? Time to slow yourself down , time to reflect , not just on your life but on your existence also . Sometimes I find myself doing certain things , things I would do on a daily basis , an...

Candy Floss & Spongebob !

                                                    To have all your faculties about you is the ultimate requirement in life , they are so necessary to do our everyday tasks . We need our minds to control and filter all the communication and information we share with each other day to day . We also need our senses to deal with common problems that we set ourselves from time to time . Without these things , these senses , how could we exist ? How could we function properly ?                                                     You take for example a child , all they want to do every minute of everyday is to play , be entertained , be exempt from the daily the responsibilities that fill our lives . And they deserve to be , they are n...

Pleasurable Pursuits !

                                                        Ok then , lets take a break from doom and gloom ! Had a call this morning from a good friend who advised me that worrying too much about the shit thats happening can be very upsetting , and lead to alcohol abuse and more importantly addiction . So I have taken his advice and relaxed my viewing of these episodes . I'm really chompin at the bit though to ignore such good advice . Stop , stop , get your head together and think of pleasurable pursuits , or even sporting things . By the way  just in case you missed it West Ham Utd. beat Man City 2-1 , now that was pleasurable and am quite happy to pass this information over . Thank you !

The Fruits of Parenthood !

                                                          How we have grown , how we have become the people we are now , its a very strange transformation . What is it that moulds us into who we are ? Who are the people who have influenced us most ? And who do we despise for their lack of interest in who we would grow up to be ? Really searching questions , takes an awful lot digging into one's psyche if we are to be honest with ourselves . And most times the answers are not forthcoming , due to either being dishonest with ourselves or a lot of the time simply pleading ignorance . That ignorance could be also described as loss of memory at a very important time , seems appropriate !                                               ...

Colourful Distractions !

                                                               Imagine the following , you're at a nightclub , you've just partaken in some illegal substance and you're flying .                                                                The night is as it should be , everyone's buzzing , and the music is just whats required . A little Hendrix , a little Cream , some early Fleetwood Mac I think you get the picture ? I also think you realise this is not the 80's , the 90's , or 00's . Its the late 60's early 70's !                                             ...

This Sleeping Giant The 99% !

                                                                 I've just had an Epiphany , Lets all become a no religion a no nationality , a non conformist worldwide force of  individuals . You know everything they drill into us is complete fabrication . Your food that you eat is so full of chemicals , msg's , and preservatives its not real food anymore . There is an alternative to fossil fuel , but they won't let anyone access it because they would lose too much money in doing so .                                                                  There are cures for most illnesses but they won't make them available to you because there is no money in cur...

Just Quite Special !

                                                     I watched a great movie last night , called " Northern Soul " set in Lancashire in the 70's . Jesus it brought me right back to my roots . My wife and I cringed at some of the stuff that went on , knowing thats exactly  how it was back then . Great performances from all involved and a cameo from Lisa Stansfield . If you were around then , in the 70's , well then you'll appreciate it , and am very sure even if you weren't it'll still blow you away .                                                      Its an independent jobbie , so don't expect gloss or glamour , its as it was a quite honest and telling piece of cinema . I won't say anything about plot or ending , ...

Thank You !

                                                               For the sake of peace and honesty , I would like to say thanks to all who have either read or commented on my blogs . You are doing me an unforeseen service , you are making me want to write , when even at times I find it difficult understanding where and how all these points are accumulating . So no matter what I write I am getting my inspiration from you and only you . What a nice group of people you all are !

This Imperfect Planet !

                                                               It has come to my attention , that the honest word from somebody may not necessarily be honest . It has also come to my attention that believing in someone for the sake of friendship can be very counter productive . Never being one to back down from confrontation , or to accept bullying or abuse of others including myself , I will now set forth a path that whosoever bully's or mistreats another human being that they should suffer the same abuse and bullying multiplied a hundredfold ! Seems fair to me !                                                               The time when acceptance of bad manners and the ill ...

Enough is Enough !

                                                          We are sheep ! We have no Power ! We are the same people who have empowered big industry , and Governments backed by big industry !   We are the 99% !                                                           We dutifully wake every day and go to work and are told don't look for better working conditions , don't ask for time off , don't even think about asking for a raise, to all the above they explain , the climate in industry is bad out there . The shareholders cannot and will not entertain any disruption to output and production . Their shares and bonuses always protected !                   ...

So Here We Are !

                                                          Congratulations to me , I never thought I  could or would stick it out ! You see this blog is my 100th , and am pleased with myself for coming this far . It was actually through my wife's suggestion that I decided to do this , Do it she told me ! Just do it ! But what have I got to say ? What stories do I have to tell ? She said Chris'll know what to say , these are the revelations everyone has been waiting for , it has been foretold ! She kinda gets sci-fi every now and then and you just have to go along with it . This was one of those times , I did , and here we are !

Understanding Hatred !

                                                       I just watched a documentary movie called "Hunted , the war against gay people in Russia " ! There's so much to say about this movie , and I find it very difficult to actually say anything at all .                                                        Its a very disturbing portrait of life in Russia under the fascist flag of  Vladimir Putin's government . As usual the Catholic church has its influence as it always has , and is in total agreement with the punishment and hunting of the gay community . Now there's a surprise !                                     ...

Those trousers really look good on You !

                                                          Was wondering about what we were gonna talk about today , it seems every time I try to do this there appears a huge wall in front of me preventing me from doing so . This wall is a secret wall cause I'm the only one who can see it . You can't see my wall and I cannot see yours , kinda pisses me off a little ! But where would we be without these walls ? You'd have to be honest every minute of every day , you'd actually have to say how you felt about everything honestly and without recourse . How does that sound ? Remembering you cannot cheat or hold back your honest answers , with diversion or distraction . Lets see !                                                 ...

Long Slender Pipes !

                                                             I've never been addicted to anything , be it substance abuse , alcohol , or gambling . I am addicted to something else though ! Those long slender pipes of tobacco filled paper . Now there's an addiction ! None of your easy peasy heroin here , none of your arty farty gin bottles here . No no no , I am an addict to the smoke filled lungs beneath my chest , that heave and strain everytime I breathe . Can't say I love the position I have put myself in , but I can think of more stupid ways to fill your days and your lungs . Tomorrow I am cutting myself down to one pack a day (hopefully) and I will endeavour to cut it down even further . I honestly cannot foresee a time when I will be nicotine free , but I will try Me on The Left !

An Obstacle Filled Tunnel !

LUCY !                                                              The last hundred years has been the most inventive time in history . How far we have come in such a short time compared to the previous two thousand . Is it welcome ? Has it made your life easier or happier ? Have the children of today much to look forward to ? Its a fascinating question , its a scary question , especially when you don't know the answer .                                                              When I was in my teens , there was so much work around you could have been in three jobs in one week . A lot of my friends chose to go into apprenticeships , engineering , electricians , plumbers , a...

Games !

                                                                     Lets play a game of hide and seek ! If you find me , you can make love to me . If not I'M UNDER THE BED !                                                                     Just had to share .

If only For One Minute !

                                                           Am still reading " The Buddha's Guide to Happiness " , its not an easy read , but it makes a lot of sense ! Its opening my mind to myself , which if you consider yourself , your emotions and feelings are always kept in check .  Never to be open to strangers and even friends , we just don't allow ourselves to be honest and free in our expression .                                                           I have always been of the belief , meditation , looking inward was either something to be scared of or just too hard to do . I've been trying this practice lately , not in any great shape , but enough for me to comment that its not ab...

Never Ignore The Look !

                                                              I've been racking my brain to try and find something to write about , and its getting really annoying that my brain is not in a writing state . My wife looks at me as if I am mad , stupid or even both . Then she starts laughing at having tried to see what I'm writing about , and failed I need add because of the look ! You know the look ? It says everything , and you never ignore the look .                                                              Now isn't that strange ? I've suddenly started writing , and where this is going is anyone's guess . Its a pity its not live , so someone could just throw up a subject and I ...

Watching Paint Dry !

                                                             Good Friday to my favourite people , you know who you are ! Well at last someone has got the nerve to comment , well done madam ! Maybe it will be the start of an onslaught of commentary ?                                                              Doesn't look good for the week-end , rain forecast for the whole time , but if you're surrounded by decent things and decent people , well it should pass in a breeze . Now if you're surrounded by negative wavers , you have my sympathy , watching paint dry would that be an accurate description ?                       ...

Lost For Words !

                                                                   We just had a visit from one of our friends sons , Lee he is such a fantastic boy ! He gave us a gift of a small wooden flower-pot stand , all his own work . Lee just happens to be autistic , and the effort he obviously put in making it ..................... well am just lost for words for once !                                                                    Lee you have just made my day , thank you so much for this wonderful present , you are special !

You will Never breach this Bridge !

                                                       After yesterdays run on blog watching , I think its safe to assume it will get back to some sense of normality . Don't get me wrong I love the fact that people like other peoples blogs , and have interest in them . It kinda loses its mystery when no one , or very few want to get involved or even contribute a comment good or bad . Really I can take rejection , I can bear the hurt of criticism , and am thick skinned when it comes to a body not even understanding what I've written . So come on you mysterious ghosts who troll but never announce yourselves , give me your best shot . You will never breach this bridge !

Infested by Charlatans !

                                                              Whats in an opinion ? Where do you have to go to get yours heard ? More importantly though , the sense that your opinion and the views you take on things are all part of you thinking in a certain way . Obviously influenced by other things and people , but at the end of the day how you ingest and formulate this information is yours , yours only and nobody else's .                                                               That gets me to the point in this piece of genius , you're in a gathering of people , maybe five maybe ten .Could be even more , the amount is insignificant , you are talking to someone and are oblivi...

A Subject Materializes !

                                                       To begin with , whoever notched up 89 views on my blog today , how dare you ? You might be forgiven for giving me some sense of  pride , but now everyone will want to know whats going on in my head . Though I am sensing some energy here , it seems to me , having thought about it , that there are or might be people out there that might share some of my views . Or even worse agree with them . I am not scared , really I promise you I'm not frightened , I'm f...... terrified .                                                        No one told me it was going to be like this . No one said I would have to honour my promises , and no one said I would have to ... Going On ?

                                                              I had a conversation with my wife today , now there's a thing ! It involved the speaking and singing of the English language . I was listening to payphone by Maroon 5 and we were singing along as you do , then it got to the rapping part and she looked at me and I looked at her and not another word was sang by either of us after that ! It kinda ruined it for me , not a word was understandable and it wasn't even entertaining . Now I know some people will say , this is how it is now , these are the styles now , and rapping is the way to go . Not in my estimation it isn't , its basic far  too basic for me ! Some of the music composed by these artists is wonderful , absolutely wonderful , until its destroyed by bad lyrics , bad voices , if you could call them that .  ...

I am Boring Myself Now !

                                                            I'm lasting longer at this than I thought I would , I really didn't know there was that much going on in my head . Strange to think the thousands of thoughts , ideas , and general flim / flam that goes on in that area between  your two shoulders , a truly amazing piece of  machinery .                                                            What's your favourite part of your body ? I have thought long and hard about this one , and my own preference is for my Belly . It used to be a lot flatter , and slimmer , I used to be able to do belly exercises but not any more . It has given in to gravity , and is rounder than it ha...

Impermanence !

                                                                  Whats the point in worrying ? Everything is temporary , impermanent , and WILL end at some stage ! This is the phenomenon know as Impermanence , a fact of life a thing to respect , and most of all something to accept .                                                                   This phenomenon is so hard to accept , its the reason for feelings of loss when someone dies that make you so heartbroken and alone .                                                     ...

Apologies !

                                                                   Apologies for lack of activity today , it was my daughters birthday and we visited her in Co. Mayo . We had a great day and had a chance to hook up with 4 of my grandchildren . 3 boys 1 girl Lily the newest addition to the family . She's beautiful , and so are the boys , its great to be a grandparent !                                                                   What a nice way to celebrate Sunday !

How Disappointing You Are !

                                                          Do I understand why I feel it necessary to relate significant /insignificant things to the cloud , cosmos , world , anyone who cares to read ? Answer will always be NO not at all ! Its just a way of unscrambling the riots and the upheaval in my brain . We all have them , you know the one's ? You're lying there in the dark , waiting to go asleep and all you can think about is how your day went , how you dealt with things , and maybe you could have done it better . Then if you're lucky you go off to oblivion .                                                          Then there's the daytime , much more difficult , because you're not going anywher...

Its Sunny Outside !

                                                    Good Day , its Friday , Its sunny outside and I have just come in from sitting and enjoying it . Its midday ,  October so not too warm , but oh is it so refreshing on your face ! These are the things I appreciate in life , these are the things that make you want to appreciate your existence and your happiness .                                                       LUCY .

My Ass Was Itchy !

                                                                   I love the way the world has opened up , I love the way information is so easily accessible , and I love being a minute part in this huge machine ! I absolutely thrive on information , love conspiracy theories , and even better I love the things people get so worked up about . You know the usual ? Religion , sport , The lying faces of politicians and their hollow promises . These are the things that make us who we are .                                                                    I know you don't like me ! I can see the way you're looking at me . Now everybody's an expert in body ...

A Clean Mean Singing Machine !

                                                                    She's back !  I had a great afternoon , as promised I sang to my hearts content on the karaoke . Jimi Hendrix was crucified by me , Cream went sour , and Chris Rea was glad when I finished Fool if you think its Over .                                                         Its over now , speakers put back into the press , voice a bit hoarse and oh yes I had that shower as well ! Am a clean , mean singing machine , who needs a little tuning .

Me That's Who !

                                                               Right she's gone ! Gone to get her hair done , my son is her hairdresser and a wonderful hairdresser he is . They will have plenty of bitching time , and thats allowed as they both do it so well . I am missing her already , like the hairs that have gone A.W.O.L on the top of my head . Isn't it amazing how every other area of your body sprouts hairs , and in some places so uncomfortable , but the place you want them to grow , well lets just say your body is not listening .                                                                I am sitting here enjoying a coffee , my chores have been done . The floor ha...

We Really F...... Love Your Stupidity !

                                                                  Ok . lets devise a system or plan whereby we can convince people who have no money to spend their money . Lets just dress it up with frills and lights and attract these people , you know ? The way we've done it for years and years , its a no lose situation ! Sure they won't even know they're being ripped of their savings , if they have any . Sure if they don't , we'll just entice them to borrow , take out a second or maybe third mortgage , thats what we'll do !                                                                     You see we , the multi - nationals , banks & any other lendin...

Those Breasts Were Simply Awesome !

                                                    She thrilled us in Barbarella , she again thrilled us in Klute , On Golden Pond with her wonderful acting father Henry , and now she has done it again in This is Where I leave you with Jason Bateman . Jane Fonda you are a true LEGEND , and I don't use that description loosely or frequently , you are just one of those special ladies who grace the screen whenever you are present .                                                     Fantasy , drama , comedy , they are everything you have achieved in your illustrious career , both onscreen and off . By the way , those breasts in" This is Where I Leave You " were AWESOME , simply AWESOME !

Voluntarily chosen !

                                                              Its like looking into a crystal ball and hoping for divine inspiration , that's the way I feel when confronted by the trials of everyday bureaucracy . You know the usual ? You can't do this and you just cannot do that . When did we hand over choice and responsibility to bureaucrats ?                                                               Lets ban junk food its bad for you ! Duhhhhh , we know its bad for you but its nice ! You choose to eat these things , You choose to smoke these things , You choose to drink these things , but more importantly We choose to to do these things voluntarily .  VOLUNTARILY ! GET I...

49 !

                                                          49 , Now there's a number ! I love that number , I chose it to be the house my wife and I live in . It just felt right , it looked right and we are happy living in # 49 .                                                           Now if you happen to be 49 , thats a different thing , you're leaving the forties and entering the fifties , not much to consider to some people . But for some people, hitting 50 is a truly momentous occasion filled with wonder and expectation .                                                   ...

Good Custom Saturday !

                                                                 You sit down , you can smell the aroma thats all round you . You start fidgeting , wondering when its ever going to start . Its Saturday again , and the custom has been and always will be that this is how we do it on a Saturday .                                                                  There's no one around to annoy you , there's no one looking at your behaviour , not a soul to distract or judge you . This is your day , your time , your enjoyment .                                         ...

Accepting the loss of your Freedom !

                                                                 Whats the worst you could do , take away my freedom to communicate , my ability to observe and report ? Or just eliminate my desire to be critical of all the bullshit that surrounds me . You can try , you can even overburden me with your outrageous taxes and rules . You can limit my involvement in creative ventures by erecting huge obstacles . You can destroy those bridges that were built previously to assist us all on our journey through life , but you will never , repeat never take away my hunger for liberty , my hunger for truth , and my voracious appetite for knowledge !                                                      ...

Who is She ?

                                                            Doesn't she look wonderful ? Isn't she a blast ? Christ it was only yesterday that we thought we would lose her forever . How could we all have been so negative about her ? She didn't deserve our ridicule thats for sure , and she did pick herself back up when she needed to the most . She's a fighter , a hard head and a good egg ! She's the one thing that makes us want to live every day to the fullest , and she's such a great source of energy and vitality .                                                             She has always been a true friend to me ! I look at her shining , she is always so bright , but don't underestimate her...

Under the Skull Cap !

                                                         Whats the point in saying things if you don't mean them ? I am at a loss trying to get to grips with peoples insecurities and personality disorders . For once just once , could someone please shut these people up and inform them that the thing positioned under their skull cap , located between their shoulders is called a brain , and if summoned , it will function ! There is so much they are denying themselves , that if asked they probably wouldn't understand anyway .                                                           For what its worth , your time and my patience is very short , and the more we beat around the bush , the more frustrated y...