Who is Protecting the World From You ? ( Happy 4th July )

                                                             Good day readers , as you all probably know today is the 4th July American Independence Day . Throughout America and the rest of the world , there will be celebrations and parties celebrating what the founding fathers worked and died for . The Native Americans will have something else to say about their slaughter at the hands of the American founding fathers , and as always their demonstrations will be ignored . In fact their existence will be ignored , just another minor problem on the road to greatness . Just another tedious deflection from the truth as told and written by their fore fathers .
                                                            Independence ! Independence from whom ? The United States of America is so non Independent , the lies and stories that have and still are being told about their great nuclear pursuits , only for the rest of the world to see that with America there is always a hidden agenda . The oil agenda ! The gas agenda ! World dominance agenda !
                                                           Then we come to the eighteen Trillion dollars and counting that they owe to China . Now is that their idea of Independence , methinks their history needs to be re-written . What's been taught in the classrooms is so far from the truth , that Hans Christen Anderson would have trouble finding an iota of honesty and integrity in there .
                                                          I am sure you wonderful Independent Americans will have a good day anyway , no need to ruin this day with a little bit of eating humble pie and facing the truth . No , you should all keep convincing yourselves that you are the heroes of the planet , protecting everyone from Al Qaeda , to Isis , The Contra rebels , that dark mean machine called Russia and any other force of people you need to eradicate in your pursuit of Global domination . Now I'd like to ask the question

that really needs to be asked . Who is protecting the world from YOU ?
                                               Happy Independence Day !


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