It Will Have Been Nice Trying !

Its safe to say though that not all of our lives are full of highlights that you can enjoy . There are so many people out there that really don't have the luxury of looking forward to any great developments in their day . That is just so sad an existence , and the one's you really feel for are the children . All children deserve to be pampered and spoiled , They deserve to open their eyes every single morning and have love in some shape or form look straight back at them . They shouldn't have to worry about the cost of having food on their table for breakfast , but alas there are some , that to rely on having a breakfast will never be an option .
I suppose then , to mention these facts to children who don't have to worry , just to get them to eat their breakfast , is a way of instilling in them , appreciation for their good fortune . And believe me that's all it is , good fortune . Its being fortunate to have been born in Western Europe rather than Eastern Europe . The same can be said for being born in North America as opposed to South America , and so on . To think that all it is , is having good luck compared to having bad luck , and that is what determines how your life is going to be . That's why even now , I remind myself , not about the things I haven't got , but always about the things I have .
When you get older , well at least in my case I can say this , your dependency on the wanting of things kinda takes a back seat . Things aren't very important any more . and certainly wanting things just doesn't feed your desires any more . You see everything you might like is just an exact copy of something you probably have already . Okay its a newer model , but if like me you can exist without that newer model well then do so . Especially when you think of the lengths some people will go just to upgrade .

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