We Couldn't Handle The Truth !

                                                                  In reply to all of the comments concerning yesterdays blog , I find it both interesting and very enlightening that so many people had so much to say with regard to my visitation . As you know having something like that happen can be a bit of a shock to the system , and it being unexpected made it even the more surprising . But you see there lies our dilemma . We have been told that throughout history there have been sightings of all sort of strange phenomenon , from vampires to aliens , the legendary Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster to  name but a few . And do you know what they all have in common ? Well its kinda obvious , there isn't one single photo good enough to support their existence . and that's really unfortunate .
                                                                 We all love conspiracy theories , and strange happenings . So much so we will investigate and investigate , all in the name of science and the universe . We have to know what's happening out there , and the real secrets have always alluded us . You see the governments of the world do not believe that we could handle the truth . They think there would be utter panic in the streets if we were to know all of the unknowable . All of the secrets that they withhold from us , all of that knowledge , could never be of any benefit to us the paranoid , psychotic , overreacting , racist , disinterested humans of this our home planet . No we couldn't handle the truth .
                                                                But I ask myself this

, just look at how they handle the truth . They distort it , they twist it , they more importantly deny it , with the result the truth could be nothing further from the real truth . Anything that is told to us is a gross distortion of reality . Reality doesn't exist any more . There is no honour among equals , we are all equal ? Yes ? Well that's what they would have you assume . But the truth is a lot darker than the light we assume is our right , and our privilege .
                                                               Only recently , practically every country on the planet have alluded to their use of an economic truth , when it came to what really happened . We hear stories filtering out of Washington about the existence of extraterrestrials. They are coming from Canada too , and a host of other countries who heretofore denied the existence of anything out of the ordinary . So why is it alright now to feed us this information ? What has happened to their , they couldn't handle the truth spiel ? Have we suddenly matured so much overnight that the truth wont frighten or terrify us into mass hysteria any more ? You'd wonder wouldn't you ?
                                                              I will conclude by saying quite simply , and taking some of the contents from my previous blog , that if they are that super intelligent , they should be able to communicate . And if they are , what have they said . Or are we still being kept in the dark ? As my son explained to his daughter with regard to things inexplicable , if you can't see it , if you can't touch it , if you can't hear it , then there probably isn't anything there in the first place . Sounds good to me . 


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