Angela Merkel's on Ecstacy ! ( Unconfirmed Reports )

                                                           Its good news week , and something wonderful has happened . Remember all those terrible things that have been reported recently ? Well it was the outcome of someone's sick imagination . I have reason to report that the E.U has backed Greece and told them not to worry about the billions that's owed , and that all of the debt will be wiped out just as soon as they have Barack Obama on board . Not an easy task but I have had a chat with Angela Merkel , and she seems to be swanning around the E.U'S offices kissing everybody . There have been rumours that someone has spiked her scnaps with either ecstacy or some other foreign substance . So before she comes down , the Greeks have decided to take advantage of a welcoming situation . I mean you really can't blame them .
                                                          The French president has had a few things to say , but with him being reminded of how many within his cabinet had been abusing their positions in relation to tax relief , he decided to keep quiet . Our own Michael Noonan was also trying to be a little objectionable , but when he also was reminded about the absolutely savage wage structure within Leinster House he too decided to stay quiet .
                                                          Barack Obama has come clean on his dependence on China due to the overwhelming debt owed to the Chinese , So much so he is thinking of moving the Whitehouse to Beijing . Seems like a good idea to me . I honestly think that with his involvement as well as the U.K in providing arms to all and sundry , as long as the money is rolling in , there's not a problem . I think he is of the opinion as long as its nations such as Tunisia , Syria , Iraq etc. he is quite happy to see them fail and blow each other apart . No surprises there from an American President .
                                                         Unconfirmed reports are flying in here just as I write , that J.P Morgan and the Rothschild family have joined forces and have committed themselves to wipe out world hunger . Jacob Rothschild has just this evening in a fit of melancholy , said that all of his family's influence and power will go toward renewing the world's poorest nations . He has one reservation though , he absolutely abhors Israel , and has suggested that in return for his support both financially and economically , we should all declare war on Israel . I don't think that would be a problem . Do you ?


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