The Truth ? Its Bullshit !
If I was to say that everything you have ever accepted as being the norm , actually was only about 10% correct , what would you say ? If I was to go back maybe forty years , I would agree that the norm was what I believed in , and believed in 100% . But the thing is as you get older the norm doesn't hold much water anymore . Most of the things that we have accepted as being the truth , has been proved otherwise . When you are in your twenties and thirties you are too busy to question what's going on or not going on around you . You just have so many other responsibilities and diversions to keep you truly occupied . So and as a result , it only starts bothering you when you start getting a little older .
That's not to say that you have been taking your responsibilities not very seriously , in fact its always been quite the opposite . But now you have time to think a little more outside of the circle of enslavement . You now have the need and the maturity to wonder , if everything you've ever been taught has been a complete smokescreen . You now have that capacity that has always been absent , to wonder what its all about . And the more you try and learn from the obvious outlets , the more your frustration grows . Leading you to a place we will call the unanswerable place .
Your frustration grows , and grows , when all you want is a few answers to things like what actually happened on 9/11 . Who was responsible , we all know now it certainly wasn't Osama Bin Laden with all of his family's ties to the Bush family .
You want answers to who and why was a certain plane that went missing over the Indian Ocean , involved in some way with one of the Rothschild's and a certain Patent . You also want to know why when you hear of all the rhetoric between Israel and the United States , that they are in fact bosom buddies .
You want to know how Palestine was robbed from their people by Jewish murderers . And all you still get is conspiracy theories , smokescreens , little snippets of the truth that don't really make much sense anyway .
So there in essence is the conundrum we are faced with
. There is the riddle that we all want answered , preferably with a large dollop of truth thrown in . But that's not going to happen in the foreseeable future . The truth as we used to know it , doesn't exist anymore . An honest association with politicians doesn't exist anymore .
As my eldest son said to his daughter recently when asked about certain murmurs the earth was making . Unless you can see it , unless you can physically hear it , unless there is really no other explanation , and unless you can prove it . Its Bullshit ! Makes sense to me !

Your frustration grows , and grows , when all you want is a few answers to things like what actually happened on 9/11 . Who was responsible , we all know now it certainly wasn't Osama Bin Laden with all of his family's ties to the Bush family .
You want answers to who and why was a certain plane that went missing over the Indian Ocean , involved in some way with one of the Rothschild's and a certain Patent . You also want to know why when you hear of all the rhetoric between Israel and the United States , that they are in fact bosom buddies .
You want to know how Palestine was robbed from their people by Jewish murderers . And all you still get is conspiracy theories , smokescreens , little snippets of the truth that don't really make much sense anyway .
So there in essence is the conundrum we are faced with

As my eldest son said to his daughter recently when asked about certain murmurs the earth was making . Unless you can see it , unless you can physically hear it , unless there is really no other explanation , and unless you can prove it . Its Bullshit ! Makes sense to me !
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