Pay Us A Visit !
Though I have spoken about certain subjects a lot , you often find within the words used that I am maybe a little passionate with regard to certain things , certainly more than others . But it doesn't really take much for me to put on my blogging shoes when I see articles in relation to something that is close to my heart . I tend to feel as if I have to put in my tuppence worth along with everyone else . Sometimes I can get it all wrong , especially when it becomes an emotive issue , and opinions are flying back and forth like a tennis ball at Wimbledon . But there is one thing I will always allow myself to do , and that is listen . As you know I can go on a little , maybe more than a little , but it is always intended to be honest , and never meant to mislead .
So that brings me to my reason for this post . I was reading an article called has God abandoned us , and felt I just had to say something . You see within this article the obvious question was asked , and the reactions and answers to whether he has abandoned us or not , made for some really entertaining reading . From reactions like Yes he has abandoned us because of our not following his teachings , to we will only get back control of our society when and if we reform our practices and opinions . I mean there is so much there to take in . From a personal point of view I feel we have always been abandoned by every church and religion on this planet . Why I hear you ask , well if I am not mistaken , this exercise we call life is some sort of show being put on for whatever creator you happen to believe in . I feel he is playing the ultimate game of chess with himself , and as he is the knower of all things , he doesn't have to look far to see what the outcome will be .
So if you have the time , or the inclination , ask yourselves these simple questions . Why has he allowed 1% to control our lives in the past , present and future ? Why when you have so many people giving reverence to him , and praying to him , and believing in him , and spreading the word about him , does he still choose to ignore us all ? All the time its explained that he doesn't want to get involved because he has turned his back on us because of our collective idolatory of superficial things , money being the root of all evil .Why does he allow so much pain to be inflicted on the least protected beings on this planet ? i.e Children and the poor ? These are the questions I would like answered . Not to be in any way disrespectful , but if whats happening in the world is anything to go by , his old pal Lucifer is having a field day .
You don't have to look far to see where and who he has infiltrated . The Vatican , and their own elected representatives . The Rothschild's & Rockefeller's of this world . These institutions that are represented and named here , are the most evil institutions on this planet , and as I said earlier Lucifer is having a field day .
So the next time you go back to that board game that entertains you so much , think about this , The game you are playing is no longer funny , we don't like being used as pawns , we want something or someone to believe in . But a two thousand year old legend is all we have to go by , and the people who perpetuated this legend have been proven to be very unreliable , and also very economical with the truth . And I know I am not supposed to ask , but I think maybe it would be a good idea if you were to pay us a visit in some way . Nothing too dramatic , but just something that there is no way it could be misunderstood .

So if you have the time , or the inclination , ask yourselves these simple questions . Why has he allowed 1% to control our lives in the past , present and future ? Why when you have so many people giving reverence to him , and praying to him , and believing in him , and spreading the word about him , does he still choose to ignore us all ? All the time its explained that he doesn't want to get involved because he has turned his back on us because of our collective idolatory of superficial things , money being the root of all evil .Why does he allow so much pain to be inflicted on the least protected beings on this planet ? i.e Children and the poor ? These are the questions I would like answered . Not to be in any way disrespectful , but if whats happening in the world is anything to go by , his old pal Lucifer is having a field day .
You don't have to look far to see where and who he has infiltrated . The Vatican , and their own elected representatives . The Rothschild's & Rockefeller's of this world . These institutions that are represented and named here , are the most evil institutions on this planet , and as I said earlier Lucifer is having a field day .
So the next time you go back to that board game that entertains you so much , think about this , The game you are playing is no longer funny , we don't like being used as pawns , we want something or someone to believe in . But a two thousand year old legend is all we have to go by , and the people who perpetuated this legend have been proven to be very unreliable , and also very economical with the truth . And I know I am not supposed to ask , but I think maybe it would be a good idea if you were to pay us a visit in some way . Nothing too dramatic , but just something that there is no way it could be misunderstood .
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