Now that would be Priceless !

                                                            Good day , There is something I have to get off my chest . Its being lying there a while now , and sometimes I just ignore it , and sometimes I forget all about  it . But it always comes back and annoys the shit out of me , and I then won't forgive myself for not saying anything about it . So I have set aside these few minutes either to annoy you , or remind you of how you feel in relation to what I'm about to write of .
                                                           Ok here we go . I like wine , in fact I love a nice glass of red wine . Now normally I will rave about certain red wines , especially if I have enjoyed them . Normally I would spend no more than maybe 15 euro on a bottle . I tend to go for the new world wines like a nice mature Shiraz , take an Australian Red , South African . or maybe even Chilean .All of my choices would have to be in the same price range
, as I find it obscene to pay over the top for some of the more expensive wines .
                                                           Take for instance Henri Jayer's Richebourg 1985 , a Burgundy , that has the unenviable title of being the most expensive bottle of wine in the world . You can take out a mortgage from the bank and buy this little baby for around 22 thousand Euro . Now here lies my confusion and disgust . To some people that 22.000 Euro would be a years wages , to some others even more .So for someone to go into a restaurant as you do with your wife/partner and order a bottle of this Burgundy to go with the filet mignon , for that price is just plain obscene .
                                                           I understand that the said wine has been harvested , has been nurtured , has been given the best opportunity to excel at being a magnificent bottle of wine , but 22.000 Euro ? Give me a break .
                                                          I think I will stick with my Bottles of Shiraz from Aldi ! Oh and by the way the Shiraz is an excellent choice , totally compliments the Striploin steaks I have just purchased , again in Aldi . So if you are one of these piss artists who like to impress your friends by ordering the Henri Jayer's Richebourg , or the Domaine de la Romanee-Conti , do us all a favour and give your 22.000 Euro to the poor bastard begging outside the restaurant for the price of a hamburger .  Now that would be priceless !


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