Sick People !

                                                          You're looking through this magazine you've just picked up in your local Chinese take-away , while waiting for your order . You're browsing through the pages and everything is there , celebrity this and celebrity that . The music charts are there too , everyone from Justin Bieber to David Guetta , how they've gone up in the charts or down . Then you come to this article , and you cant believe your eyes . Is this how they're trying to sell magazines these days you think to yourself . This is just wrong !
                                                         There in bold print at the top of the page is the headline " How to Give Your Boyfriend the Perfect Blowjob " . Now understand , I am not a prude by any stretch of the imagination , and I am not easily shocked . But this piece of information and the magazine in its entirety is focused and directed at 12-14 year olds .
                                                         So please tell me , who or what monster in his or her right mind concocts a sleazy story like this on how to perform this ADULT act ? Who in their right mind sanctioned such a piece ? And what type of editor allows such filth , make its way into a childs bedroom ?
                                                        There is something intrinsically wrong with this . There is something going on in our society that needs looking at . The exploitation of children is rife in our society , how in the name of parenting has this come about , and why is it so acceptable ? I mean a parents job is hard enough as it is without having to censor young girls magazines , especially when they are directed at a certain age group when the content is obviously for a more mature audience .
                                                        In conclusion , what can you say ? But if I was of that age in parenting , I would make it my business to know as much as I could , what content these magazines have , and whether I found that content to be acceptable . Isn't a parent's job hard enough as it is without having to do this ? Unfortunately there are some very sick bastards out there !


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