Someone is Taking the Piss !

                                                        I am sitting here in shorts and a black vest , and I am literally frying . Its eight in the evening and its a very muggy twenty degrees . I can handle heat and the sun , but this is uncomfortable .But have you noticed you get up early in the morning and the sun is splitting the trees , between 6 and ten its beautiful , and then for some unknown reason the clouds start rolling in . If it was only happening every so often it wouldn't be that noticeable , but when its happening every other day it starts getting to be a pain in the ass .
                                                      Have you also noticed that having had the clouds in the afternoon , around six or seven in the evening it starts getting sunnier and brighter ? Someone is taking the piss . and I am not very amused , are you ? I mean its obviously not just happening here where I am , it has got to be happening everywhere . With that in mind , you know you are going to have an uncomfortable sleep tonight . Enjoy your evening , and I thought I would never say  this , but please can we have a little rain to take all this heavy shit away ?


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