Lack !

So lets just see where that takes us . If I had you sitting next to me then we could just relate some stuff we might be both interested in . But alas I don't , and you're not . We shall remain anonymous to each others ramblings , but above all else we shall care . We will show a true and honest endeavour to enjoy each others wants and needs .
What is it you want from me ? What is it that I'm supposed to do to make you more pleasant so you'll stop annoying me ? I just don't get you ! You say we can help each other , but there you are again demanding as you always do . I can't take this any longer , you are withering my inner flower . You are corrupting my view of how I should deal with things . Most of all though , I never really trusted you or even liked you , much .
Isn't it surprising the way you can turn a relatively pleasant , maybe boring exchange into something darker in the space of a minute ? It doesn't take much to alter someone's course , even your own , with the wave of your hand .Its kinda like human nature . You must have experienced the situation with a husband/wife or partner , when one minute everything seems impossibly boring and comfortable . Only for it to be taken over by some crazy statement or gesture , not always intentionally sent , and suddenly world war 3 has begun . It takes absolutely nothing , no intention needed to spark something off . Mostly its a lack of understanding . or just a lack of everything .
We get so comfortable within our homely cocoons . We get so relaxed in our daily lives , that it takes nothing to get you started . And maybe there lies the problem . Lack of motivation , I seem to be using that way of describing something , a lot in this blog . Maybe its just my lack of sleep that has me this way . I kinda get a little fuzzy when I am sleep deprived , and it definitely does have an effect on what comes out of me . I shall try to correct it by the time I write my next blog . If it doesn't happen . it wont be for the LACK of trying .
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