Where the F... is Superman , when you need him the most ?

                                                        Well with all the drama that's playing out in Greece at this very
moment , its not hard to work out who is sitting in the wings rubbing their hands together , enjoying every minute of it . The Greek prime minister is not for changing , he still wants everyone to vote no in Sundays referendum . To be honest if you look at it from the outside , the problems the Greeks have , were not the making of by this left wing government . In fact for years they were created and made worse by successive right wing governments . There have been so many deferrals and default time limits , that its kinda hard to understand what lies in wait for the Greeks .
                                                       I think its just gotten to a stage where the Greeks see it as it can not get any worse , whatever is in store bring it on . And this cavalier attitude frightens the shit out of the European finance ministers . If you look at it closely , Greece aren't the only ones who are in a very precarious position. Portugal will be watching very closely to every minute detail that transpires in Brussels , as will Spain , and Ireland too . There could be a real domino effect in the event of a collapse of the Greek parliament .
                                                      Am I worried personally ? The answer to that one is a firm and resounding NO . What have I got to lose ? And the answer to that is absolutely nothing . Maybe that's a selfish attitude , but at this stage of my life I have worried enough over the years and worrying some more for me is just counter productive . All of our lives if you inspect them , are always complicated with this sort of worry and that sort of worry , and in the end nothing really changes . What will be will be , and 99% of the time you or I have absolutely no control or input into what happens around us .
                                                      Take elections for instance , yes we believe in democracy , yes we believe in the ballot box .But what I'd like to ask is whose interpretation of democracy . I mean they all promise fair play and we'll do this , and we'll do that , but I ask you , when have they ever , ever made you or me happy in relation to voting them in , in the first place  ? Never is the answer to all that . The so called carers in our society fail us all the time . They always have hidden agendas , that don't include you or me . We will never tax water ! We will never tax your home ! So many lies , and we accept them all the time . People are just so afraid of life , they are so afraid of change , when change is the only way this predicament we are in can be fully addressed and tackled . Standing still is just not an option anymore . Sitting on a fence is not an option anymore .
                               Where the Fuck is Superman , when you need him the  most ? 


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