BFF, Are you For Real ?

                                                             What is it about some people ? They meet people of their own age on holiday , or in a club , and the next day you have them tweeting or instagramming bff' (best friends forever ). Its just so superficial , its just so pretentious , its just so f..... false . But there they go having met somebody on a night out with declarations of friendship for the rest of their lives . I mean are they so shallow and insecure that they need to have these people in their lives ? Or is it simply a case of not understanding what it really means to be best friends forever ?
                                                            Throughout my life I have had friends , friends who you would hang about with when you were in your teens . Friends that you had made most probably in school , that you hoped would last the passage of time . But seldom it turns out that way , what with everyone going their separate ways , and trying to set some sort of design on their own lives . This is normally what happens in your growing up years , everything is so temporary . You'd like it to be otherwise , but that seldom happens . And then there is the exception to the rule .
                                                            There is maybe that one person who no matter what , and no matter how long the passage of time is , you can hook up with in an instant . There is no need for planning , there is no need to make an appointment , at the drop of a hat that person will always be available . I am speaking hypothetically here . Because as much as I would like to say yes there is someone who reminds me of the previous description given , sadly and unfortunately that just isn't the case . I have never stopped anywhere long enough for something like that to blossom . Or maybe I was just too wrapped up in myself to take any notice . Whatever the reason , there is a lot to be said about bff .
                                                           I would love to be able to meet up with a friend from years ago , who trusted me as much as I would have liked to have been able to trust them , purely for friendship and to be able to remind me just how imperfect/perfect things really were . You see when you try and recall things from your past , the majority of the time you will just remember the highs . Not being negative , but I would also like to be reminded of the lows as well , just so I could weigh everything up correctly and understand a little clearer how things really were . We as everyone knows , tend to forget a lot of stuff about our pasts . I would like to think I was a decent individual , and it would be nice for someone to either agree with you or disagree with you , whatever the case . That's where a best friend comes in . That person would never pull any punches with you . They would tell you about things as they were/are . There would be something liberating about that . But without that in my life , all I can hope for is my own honesty in determining where I went right and where I went wrong .
                                                          So the next time you declare out of the blue , that this is your new bff , be honest with yourself and hope that that's not all that you are left with . Friendship does not need any sort of declaration on your behalf ,true friendship only requires an understanding heart . Something like my wife's .


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