Life is a Blur ! Happy 40th Son .

                                                           Where does the time go ? Yesterday you were bringing home a baby from the maternity hospital , and today you are celebrating his 40th birthday . Because that's the way it is , life kinda flashes by and all you're left with is a blur and thousands of photographs . You go from someone who plays football and enjoys that kicking of a ball , to someone whose mind kicks a thousand balls in every match . But this time its as a supporter . That's how fast your life goes by .
                                                           We celebrated my sons birthday last night with a great 40th birthday party organised by his sweet wife . All of his friends were there , and his family too . The effort that went into it being such a success was only equaled by the presence of all who attended .
                                                           All of his long term friends paid their respects , and the company of everyone was always comfortable and full of a relaxing calm . Its just so strange to see from my side as a parent , how your son has developed and shaped his life surrounded by so many faithful friends , who were always both charming and accepting .
Casper , Christian Liam & Aidan 
                                                           To all who attended I would like to thank you all for your friendly company , and as always my wife and I had a ball . You have been there throughout my sons and his family's life , and for that I am truly thankful . He will have appreciated it more than you will know .
                                                          Having enjoyed the past 40 years with its up and downs , have a ball experiencing the next 40 . Have a good one son !


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