Its Just Bad Manners !

                                                           I had a chat with some sort of celestial body today . I'll be honest it certainly wasn't something I had planned , as my day was filled with all sorts of plans and arrangements , and talking to some otherworldly body was not on my agenda . But as always with things that can pop up from time to time unexpectedly , you just learn to bite the bullet and get on with it . Because you know if you leave it on the back burner its not going to go away easily . So bite the bullet I did , and I welcomed this being as if a long lost friend .
                                                          I noticed though from his posture that he wasn't at all happy , I am saying he when I really didn't know what sex IT was anyway . But IT gave off this aura of annoyance that wasn't hard to interpret . I asked IT honestly what the matter was , and all IT would do is huff and puff with what looked like green gunge hanging from IT's jowel's . Not a pleasant sight I need add , but considering IT'S demeanour I found it to be not at all off putting .
                                                         I was wondering then how I was going to communicate with IT , when I suddenly realised , we had nothing in common . We would have no way to explain shit to each other , and trying would always be a fruitless exercise . So I decided then and there to just ignore IT and carry on with all of those pre-arranged duties I spoke of earlier . Not one to be misunderstood , I explained in the only way possible that I had other things to do and that speaking to IT would bring nothing but frustration and definitely a little annoyance . The strangest thing happened then , he just nodded once as if in understanding of my explanation and my being busy , And then just disappeared .
                                                        I mean if you are going to have a meeting with an extraterrestrial being , and if they are going to take the time to speak to you , don't you think it would be a good idea if they knew your language first . They are supposed to be ultra intelligent , and you would expect them to be . But to arrive here unannounced , and without any understanding of how to communicate with us , I think is just plain bad manners . Maybe next time they will get it right , but to be honest I am not holding my breath . Maybe if they make an appointment first  , all of these little details could be ironed out  . What do you think ?


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