Greek Titans !

                                                   Since 2010 Greece has received 284 billion in bailout funds , 92% of which went to Greek and European financial institutions . And a paltry 8% actually went to the Greek people themselves . And people wonder why there is such a furor over the possibility of a Greek no vote on Sunday . For far too long the E.U has been dictating economics to not just Greece , but every other country within the E.U . Economics and lending that will not and cannot be sustained . People in Greece have had enough as has the rest of Europe , as indicated by the demonstrations all over Europe in defiance of what the E.U is promoting .
                                                  We as fellow Europeans , cannot for one minute say and feel how we understand your position in Greece . Without actually being Greek we probably never will . We couldn't for one minute put ourselves into your shoes and try and understand the downright hurt and shame you feel for those dictators who are signing deals and promoting even more austerity on your behalf . You have all come to the end of your tether , and believe it or not the rest of Europe is right behind you . We have all come to the end of that tether , and as a result all eyes are going to be on you for the foreseeable future . As I said before , we cannot begin to understand your totally outrageous treatment and predicament , and all I can say personally is that we feel for you .
                                                 You have been let down by previous governments , and more importantly those same people who promised you a definite road to recovery , that they never delivered . And so here you are again , in the same hole , but this time the hole has grown significantly deeper . A hole not created by the Greek people , but by those banks and lending institutions you all had confidence in . That confidence has been destroyed , that faith you had in fair play and belief in the Lord has come to nothing .
                                                 You are all falling over yourselves trying to take YOUR money from the banks , the same banks that betrayed you me and everyone else in Europe . These bankers should be brought out into one of your huge squares , and the people who in some circumstances have lost the will to live , should be their judges . They should also be given the right to do with them as they seen fit . You know as well as I do what that outcome would be . But because of dictated bureaucracy , they will never be brought to justice . They will never see the failings of their inept banking as being a reason for the state of your country . No they will all plead innocence , and deflect the blame to whoever . Shame on them !
                                                  So whatever you decide on Sunday , be it yes or no , be proud in the knowledge that the rest of Europe respects and will always look upon the Greeks as being exactly who they are . GREEK  TITANS !


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