Could you Handle It ?

                                                                People are writing about Monsanto this and Monsanto , in relation to Genetically Modified foods etc. And while I do most certainly agree with all of the reports and reasons why they should be banned , it really didn't all start there .
                                                                You see we have all become very lazy in relation to food and more importantly the preparation of food . All of the woes attached to G.M food were introduced a long time ago when we stopped making fresh food , and instead handed our kitchens over to McDonald's , K F C and Burger King etc .  That was the start of our love affair with fast foods . While you're on the go isn't it much simpler to go into a drive in and have a quick meal ? And if the kids are with you sure why not spoil them a little and get them HAPPY MEALS . Do you see where this is going ? We as individuals handed over the responsibility of feeding our children healthily , to a Clown with a huge happy smile on his face . We bought it hook line and sinker .
                                                                But now we want that responsibility back , but its not going to be as easy as you may think . You will have to de-fast food your children , they will have to be weaned off diet coke , and the smoothies , and the milkshakes . It may be even harder to wean ourselves off these foods .We are going to have to look our fast food lover straight in the face and ask them kindly to understand that what they have been giving us over the years has not been very
healthy or good for our families . The time has come for us to go our separate ways .
                                                                Hypothetically , assume that tomorrow you have decided that that's exactly what you are going to do . You are going to make food from scratch , you are either going to boil , bake or roast it . There will be no frying . You will have to get everybody to drink water , or tea , or coffee , but no fizzy drinks , and certainly no milkshakes . All of the family will sit at the dinner table together , and no exceptions or excuses . Do you think your family could handle that ?
                                                                Now this would be no temporary measure , this will be a permanent fixture in your lives from now on . When the kids go to school you will be making packed lunches . No lunch money to squander on Pizza or Hamburgers , no everything is going to be home made and home grown .
                                                               That is the future you have to build yourselves . That is the way forward . That is the only way we will get back our normal children that have been poisoned by these fast foods and these additives , and these artificial sweeteners and all of those other foods and stuffs that have been genetically modified .This is the task you have before you . Could you handle it ?


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