Greece ( The Tip of the Iceberg )

                                                      Its looking increasingly likely that the no vote in Greece will have won the day . I know maybe its a little premature , but I would like to personally congratulate them on their victory . I would also like to congratulate them for their very brave decision in what must have been a very emotional and very difficult time .
                                                     Having chosen this route , it remains to be seen exactly where they will go from here . They haven't said they wanted to leave the Euro and Europe , only that they wanted a better deal that wasn't going to cripple their people . They have to be commended for that . In a previous blog I stated my views on their brave stance , and supported them in their no vote . For too long the European hierarchy have been dictating terms to the Greeks , the Spanish , The Portuguese and ourselves the Irish . Terms that are just not sustainable . If everyone was agreed on a strategy that benefited everybody , then maybe there would be a better response . But as it is , take for example Brendan Howlin minister for public expenditure , stated today that he had not got the power to stop top pension earners in the public service getting huge increases . And yet he defends austerity and continuous tax increases on the public . What is the point in him being the minister for public expenditure , if he cannot promote fair play and an equal share of responsibility ?
                                                    This result in Greece has not gone unnoticed among the other struggling countries within the E.U . So it remains to be seen what will happen . As it stands the amount of support Greece has had is definitely growing among the other countries . Nothing should ever stand still , there should always be movement within all of these circles . It has been extremely difficult for Greece , and for those other countries mentioned . And until the hierarchy within the E.U admit to the burden being too heavy for everyone , and relieve us all of some of that burden , I think it is safe to say that what happened in Greece today will definitely be only the tip of the iceberg . This will have a domino effect ! Will we as Irish people have the nerve and commitment to follow the Greek example ? Or will we capitulate as we always do in times of difficult and life changing decisions . Personally I hope its the former , but I wont hold my breath .


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