We are Warriors !

                                                           We are men , we are not sensitive , we are not understanding of the female condition , we are warriors ! What total bullshit ! 

                                                             You see thats the way we are perceived by women , and a lot of the time we fall into the trap of confirming it for them . We are our own worst enemies when it comes to the sensitive natures of our partners . That said , I am still learning , my wife is a great teacher in that respect , and when you get that look , YOU KNOW THE ONE , well you either ignore it at your peril or your brain translates what you know to be the safe option .
                                                             Its just so pointless one of a pair saying , Do you wanna be right ? Or do you wanna be happy ? Thats an ultimatum , thats a I'm right and you're wrong . Lets just say the way round that scenario is quite simple , you are one , you are together , if you don't want to be ONE you will always give each other ultimatums , and believe me ultimatums are not relationship friendly .
                                                               There will and always have been exceptions , and thats ok , as long as these exceptions don't cause world war 3 . I have been doing my stuff , and my wife has been doing hers for a long time now , and if there is only one thing we have learned , it is always be open to COMPROMISE !


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