I Don't see Anyone Laughing !

         Just had lunch , ahhhhhh sausage sandwiches with hp sauce , Maybe I was Just hungry !
                                                     Got a line of washing out today , there's great drying out there .Its called working in harmony with yourself . My bath towel has come out so white , I've  been informed its due to the extra length of time the wash is on for by she who knows about these things . You try your best to be a domestic animal , and it works for me . Takes time but definitely worth the effort .
                                                     Where was I ? Oh yes we were talking about the jungle out there , looking at it from my perspective , taking in to account age etc. I am glad I am at this  stage of my life and not starting out again . Thats frightening , even the thought of it makes me nervous . Thats why all you young parents out there , are to be commended for your efforts and most importantly your understanding of children who need so much direction . There is so much information out there , so much for them to take in and process . When I was that young parent , I fell plenty of times , went to work and did what had to be done . My wife , bless her did the job that I would wish on nobody , she managed the house and family . And all of you who came out the other end with minor scars and less minor psychological problems , WELL DONE . Stand up you deserve the applause .
                                                      Looking at the world as it stands , and the things that are happening day after day everywhere , sometimes its so hard not to just give in . Poverty , oppression , abuse , and a lot of it in the name of God . Where are you now when you are needed most ? If this is your idea of a joke , I don't see anyone laughing .
                                            Reminds me of an Elton John song

                                          If there's a God in Heaven
                                          Whats he waiting for
                                          If he can't hear the children
                                          Then he must see the war
                                          But it seems to me
                                          That he leads his Lambs
                                           To the Slaughter House
                                          And not The Promised Land
             Sounds pretty Apt !


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