The juice is Finally Loose !

                                                 Where am I going with this ? I haven't a clue , but to be honest you could be reading a lot less interesting stuff . Stuff they like to shove down our throats , the news you wanna hear man , the juice is on the loose ! Now , does it not piss you off when the world is going to shit and all they write about is the size of Kim Kardashians ass ? Or look how pale some other celebrity appears , she must be anorexic she's so f...... thin . Who cares ? But it sells magazines and books . How many biographies has Jordan had published ? And she is how old ? You get the message .
                                                 Many people talk about a change they would like to see coming , everything from a no monetary society to everybody being equal . What they fail to understand is THERE IS NO MONEY IN IT ! Why would a huge financial institution like the WHO want a cure for anything ? Again THERE IS NO MONEY IN IT ! Tablets and medicines make money , you being well won't . So you must ask yourself this very important question ,  how do these individuals with all the capital and power get away with so much extortion at the expense of the common man ? Answer .......THEY BUY IT !
                                                 We know who you are , and there was a time when your names meant nothing to anybody . But now you have the internet , and even though that's the most open and non-private social media source , the message about your GREED and your family names are widespread . If there is such a thing as karma , please rush it along a little , you see I want to live to see the day when you all get yours ! I want you to endure pain , I want you to experience hardship , I want your children to experience the non availability of resources that were created to heal the sick . Mostly I WANT YOU TO SUFFER !
                                                 Your always willing critic .


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