Doing your own Shit !

                                                                    Have you ever thought about names and their origins ? No me neither , but its the use of these names that at times can be very confusing ! Boy named Sue , you get the idea . Well I learned on Saturday night in the company of family & friends ,and even new friends that the use of a name can be very liberating .
                                                                   A friend of my sons related a story to me about how and why he chose to , for a while anyway , to use the name D.J. Lisa ! This girl was annoying him during one of his gigs , so to shut her up he asked her , her name , she said Lisa . He promised her so that she would always be reminded of how annoying she was , he would use the name Lisa . He did use it , and it did piss her off .
                                                                  So when you go to a gig , and a D.J IS DOING HIS SHIT , always remember , this is his shit , not yours ! You went to see him doing his shit , and he/she is not interested in yours !
                                                                  They are now married and have three children , JUST JOKING LISA . But you get the message !


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