I'm Taking Notice Now !

                                                  Monday , I have builders just outside my back garden building and the noise is a pain in the ass . They're building houses and it could mean our views of spectacular sunsets could be coming to an end ! What a bummer !
                                                  Good Monday anyway , how are you all today ? Kinda strange that the summer is coming to an end , the evenings are getting shorter and its just getting a little bit nippy too ! The growth in my garden is also slowing down , and soon will finish . I suppose not  having to tend to it  as much will be welcome , but not having life in your garden is just ...........well lifeless .
                                                 Have you ever examined a flower ? Any flower , its so alive so perfect so beautiful . I never was one for nature , but having grown stuff , flowers and bushes it just got to me . Maybe its the influence of that book about Buddha that I am reading that has me drooling over nature . It awakens your view and your sight of things that are ordinarily taken for granted . For example , have you in your rush to somewhere taken time to take sight of the sort of day it is ? Sun shining , blue sky , warm breeze , no me neither ! But I am taking notice now . Try it .
                                                    Hey there mister blue , please so pleased to be with you !


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