In Search of the Pure White Fleece !

                                                          I am 18 years old , I need an Afghan coat , I just have to have one , and its 1971 . I am not going to get one in Dublin , am going to go to London and search for the PURE WHITE FLEECE . This coat is gonna make some impression when it gets here , this is my destiny .
                                                          Am on the Portobello Road in London , its Saturday morning , and I see all kinds of coats that normally I would be interested in , but this is a special day , this is my day and I will not be defeated .
                                                          In the distance , out of the corner of my eye , I see this WHITENESS beckoning me , calling me , intoxicating me , whispering to me , buy me , you know you want to . I try this beautiful whiteness on and am sold instantly .
                                                          I get back to Dublin at 9 pm , enough time to wash and get my coat and I down to Tiffany's , my favourite night club . Its warm in there , its full in there , my coat and I will not be separated tonight . We are one ! We are white , we are perfect .
                                                          I lost 4lbs that night , my coat gained a reputation , the best 20 pounds I had ever spent .


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