
Showing posts from July, 2015

Hugs & Kisses !

                                                                  Twas my birthday today , so I took a break from my blogging to celebrate . Thanks for all the good wishes , and bad , I had a ball . Hugs and Kisses to everyone XOXOXOX

We Couldn't Handle The Truth !

                                                                  In reply to all of the comments concerning yesterdays blog , I find it both interesting and very enlightening that so many people had so much to say with regard to my visitation . As you know having something like that happen can be a bit of a shock to the system , and it being unexpected made it even the more surprising . But you see there lies our dilemma . We have been told that throughout history there have been sightings of all sort of strange phenomenon , from vampires to aliens , the legendary Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster to  name but a few . And do you know what they all have in common ? Well its kinda obvious , there isn't one single photo good enough to support their existence . and that's really unfortunate .         ...

Its Just Bad Manners !

                                                           I had a chat with some sort of celestial body today . I'll be honest it certainly wasn't something I had planned , as my day was filled with all sorts of plans and arrangements , and talking to some otherworldly body was not on my agenda . But as always with things that can pop up from time to time unexpectedly , you just learn to bite the bullet and get on with it . Because you know if you leave it on the back burner its not going to go away easily . So bite the bullet I did , and I welcomed this being as if a long lost friend .                                                           I noticed though from his posture that he wasn't at...

Yeah Something Like That !

                                                           You know I often just sit and  watch people going about their business . And I wonder from time to time what's happening in their world . I love the expressions when something is either too difficult for them , or they have just mastered the secret of opening a packet of cigarettes . You can see them curse to themselves , and sometimes you can even see them smile to themselves oblivious to their hidden audience . That's the time that amuses me the most , when they've smiled having accomplished the impossible , and they congratulate themselves with a few words of  applause .                                                         ...

I Dream Of Zero !

                                                    What if all the things you  were ever taught turned out to be completely untrue . What if all the rules you adhered to throughout your life were directed for one purpose only , and that was to control you . Because when you sign on all of those dotted lines throughout your life , you are basically selling your soul . You are promising to abide by all of those rules written in the fine print , that never gets read , and ultimately that's never understood .                                                    Whenever we want to sign up to this and that , when we want to download some app for our phones , we have to agree to that app having access to the running , control of ...

Our Extended Readership !

                                                           Today is Monday and its a rather miserable pissy day . Though I have got to say typical for an Irish summers day , so no surprises there .                                                            Just thought I would like to share the good news , in that the readership again has extended itself to new and foreign lands . Our thoughts have made their way as far away as Australia . the United Arab Emirates , Indonesia , and Russia . Thank you all for your support , all I ask of you is to share , or comment , either way get involved . Thanks again . xox

You Got Your Membership Card ?

                                                             Was just having a great conversation with a very sweet man on Friday night at my sons 40th birthday party . The man in question was none other than the famous/infamous Aiden Kelly entrepreneur , D.J and all  round nice person . We were talking about music , more to the point funky music . You see I have always been a follower of anything funky , old funk new funk don't matter as long as its good funk , has always been my motto . And in Aiden I found a funk friend . We spoke about a lot of things , and then I started opening up about life in Dublin , especially Dublin's club life in the sixties and seventies and a whole plethera of nostalgia came out of my memory like some sort of exorcism .                       ...

Life is a Blur ! Happy 40th Son .

                                                           Where does the time go ? Yesterday you were bringing home a baby from the maternity hospital , and today you are celebrating his 40th birthday . Because that's the way it is , life kinda flashes by and all you're left with is a blur and thousands of photographs . You go from someone who plays football and enjoys that kicking of a ball , to someone whose mind kicks a thousand balls in every match . But this time its as a supporter . That's how fast your life goes by .                                                            We celebrated my sons birthday last night with a great 40th birthday party organised by his sweet wife . All ...

The Truth ? Its Bullshit !

                                                        If I was to say that everything you have ever accepted as being the norm , actually was only about 10% correct , what would you say ? If I was to go back maybe forty years , I would agree that the norm was what I believed in , and believed in 100% . But the thing is as you get older the norm doesn't hold much water anymore . Most of the things that we have accepted as being the truth , has been proved otherwise . When you are in your twenties and thirties you are too busy to question what's going on or not going on around you . You just have so many other responsibilities and diversions to keep you truly occupied . So and as a result , it only starts bothering you when you start getting a little older .                          ...

No That Was Never For Me !

                                                              Remember when we all thought that our lives were so simple and positively boring ? Remember when we sang " I hope I die before I get old "? Remember when we all went to mass on a Sunday to give thanks to the Lord for all the good things and bad that happened over the previous week ? Do  you remember saying to yourself , how could things get any better than this when you walked down Grafton Street having dined in Captain America's and enjoyed the life and throng that was the city center ? This is the way it was maybe 40 years ago , for me anyway . And yes I never really thought about consequences , I never really thought about a future . A future was for someone who had the patience to do an apprenticeship for maybe five years and wait till you qualified until you got ...

Does Anybody Else Feel This Way ?

                                                              Now I know sometimes I can be a little paranoid , a lot of the times with due reason , but I can't help but think that there is something indescribably weird going on out there . I don't know how it feels where you are , but here in Ireland something is just not right .                                                               My wife and I were just speaking this morning about this very subject , and she was really the one who pointed out how strange some things were .Its not really something you can put your finger on , but you get the sense of something being not quite right . Now normally at this time of year th...

It Will Have Been Nice Trying !

                                                          What's the highlight of your day ? Is it the children running into your bedroom and jumping in to bed beside you ? Is it the sound of some jaded lamenting cockerel screaming at the top of his voice telling you its time to get up ? I don't think so . Is it that male/female that has been looking at you every morning for the last week as you make your way to work every day ? Or is it something as simple as the birds in your garden twittering and digging as you watch them from the confines of your kitchen ? Either way no matter what does it for you , that and many other things you don't even take time to notice , are the things that make life that little bit more enjoyable and rewarding .                             ...

Now that would be Priceless !

                                                            Good day , There is something I have to get off my chest . Its being lying there a while now , and sometimes I just ignore it , and sometimes I forget all about  it . But it always comes back and annoys the shit out of me , and I then won't forgive myself for not saying anything about it . So I have set aside these few minutes either to annoy you , or remind you of how you feel in relation to what I'm about to write of .                                                            Ok here we go . I like wine , in fact I love a nice glass of red wine . Now normally I will rave about certain red wines , especially if I have enjoye...

A Positive Day !

                                                           I have reached that point where everything that I read on social media is doing my head in . I've been sitting here wondering what I am gonna write about and nothings happening . I have just reached a stalemate with my thoughts . The things that should be coming naturally are being hindered by bad news saturation on so many levels of the media .  Everywhere you look its the world is falling apart , everyone is depressed with what choices we are left with because of so many cock ups within government and the economy . Greece is ready to erupt . American homeland security is gearing itself up for further riots and a possible state of emergency in many states . At home here in Ireland some guy admits to raping his ex partner while they slept together and he is handed a suspended...

Could you Handle It ?

                                                                People are writing about Monsanto this and Monsanto , in relation to Genetically Modified foods etc. And while I do most certainly agree with all of the reports and reasons why they should be banned , it really didn't all start there .                                                                 You see we have all become very lazy in relation to food and more importantly the preparation of food . All of the woes attached to G.M food were introduced a long time ago when we stopped making fresh food , and instead handed our kitchens over to McDonald's , K F C and Burger King etc .  That was the star...

Really ?

                                                  America .......................Are you serious ? Donald Trump & Jed Bush ?    What planet are you all from ?  There definitely has to be something in the food over your way !

You are all Expendable !

                                                               I was just reminded again today , just how stupid and ill informed the celebrity community can really be . You had on the one hand a certain Mr John Voight slagging off Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem about their comments in relation to Palestine AND HOW THEY WERE TERRORIZING ISRAEL ? Like hello !                                                               For every Jew that was killed by the Palestinian Hamas , A Thousand Men Women And Children were assassinated by Jewish Missiles and bombs . No one deserves to be slaughtered by anyone , but for some stupid ill informed celebrity who is being paid millions of d...

Pay Us A Visit !

                                                              Though I have spoken about certain subjects a lot , you often find within the words used that I am maybe a little passionate with regard to certain things , certainly more than others . But it doesn't really take much for me to put on my blogging shoes when I see articles in relation to something that is close to my heart . I tend to feel as if I have to put in my tuppence worth along with everyone else . Sometimes I can get it all wrong , especially when it becomes an emotive issue , and opinions are flying back and forth like a tennis ball at Wimbledon . But there is one thing I will always allow myself to do , and that is listen . As you know I can go on a little , maybe more than a little , but it is always intended to be honest , and never meant to mislead .   ...

BFF, Are you For Real ?

                                                             What is it about some people ? They meet people of their own age on holiday , or in a club , and the next day you have them tweeting or instagramming bff' (best friends forever ). Its just so superficial , its just so pretentious , its just so f..... false . But there they go having met somebody on a night out with declarations of friendship for the rest of their lives . I mean are they so shallow and insecure that they need to have these people in their lives ? Or is it simply a case of not understanding what it really means to be best friends forever ?                                                             Throughout m...

A Positive System Of Non Compliance !

                                                           Being an avid follower of news , be it local , be it international , or just supposition , it all tends to capture my imagination . The wilder and the more out there the better , it just makes thinking more fun , and more interesting . There's nothing better than getting your teeth stuck into the failings of some idiot politician . Or even some idiot clergyman who doesn't know what to do with his depleting numbers in church .As it stands everyone and everything is fair game , once a mouth has been opened and some verbal diarrhoea is the result ,well sometimes you just have to get that shit explained . I mean someone has to either defend these poor idiots , or pillory them as you see fit .                           ...

Sounds Real Cheech & Chong !

                                                        Your mind is empty , and you crave some sort of entertainment just to occupy that empty space . You have tried your best to conjure up some sort of plan or pastime just to take the edge off , and nothings happening . It had to have been something you ate today , I mean someone has obviously spiked your food . Though in saying that , everything I have eaten today has been tasty and wonderful . I never once had cause to stop and examine anything , or you know yourself when something tastes a little off , you turn your nose up a little and pass some stupid comment about how it tastes . Nothing , nada .                                                        I...

Sick People !

                                                          You're looking through this magazine you've just picked up in your local Chinese take-away , while waiting for your order . You're browsing through the pages and everything is there , celebrity this and celebrity that . The music charts are there too , everyone from Justin Bieber to David Guetta , how they've gone up in the charts or down . Then you come to this article , and you cant believe your eyes . Is this how they're trying to sell magazines these days you think to yourself . This is just wrong !                                                          There in bold print at the top of the page is the headline " How to Give Your Boyfrie...

Do The Right Thing and Breathe !

                                                                     What is it about getting old that makes you want to scream , and shout , and write , and try to share your experiences and tales with others ? Even strangers ? What is it about the art of living old that fills you with a sense of purpose that heretofore was not obviously apparent ? Or you just didn't understand the significance , or the depth of that purpose before . But you are thinking about it now , this minute , and the next and you will be until someone or something gives you reason to stop . So far that has not happened therefore let me continue to invade your thoughts with my worrysome anecdotes and idiosyncratic stories of life in a world that I have yet to master or understand fully . That's not even a goal of mine , its just an impossib...

Angela Merkel's on Ecstacy ! ( Unconfirmed Reports )

                                                           Its good news week , and something wonderful has happened . Remember all those terrible things that have been reported recently ? Well it was the outcome of someone's sick imagination . I have reason to report that the E.U has backed Greece and told them not to worry about the billions that's owed , and that all of the debt will be wiped out just as soon as they have Barack Obama on board . Not an easy task but I have had a chat with Angela Merkel , and she seems to be swanning around the E.U'S offices kissing everybody . There have been rumours that someone has spiked her scnaps with either ecstacy or some other foreign substance . So before she comes down , the Greeks have decided to take advantage of a welcoming situation . I mean you really can't blame them .     ...