
Showing posts from August, 2014

A Bitch's Moods !

                                                             I just had a conversation with my dog , I asked her why she was acting the way she was . She's very willful you see , kinda does things without consulting or including me , now thats very inconsiderate , as she always gets invited to play and stuff , very inconsiderate                                                              To be honest , the conversation was a little one-sided , she can be so damn annoying like that . She starts her carry on , you know how they are , and then gives me the cold shoulder and won't talk . I am putting so much into this Dog/Human thing , and to be honest am not getting why she's being s...

How things were meant to be !

                                                                I am thinking , maybe things aren't what they were supposed to be . Things weren't supposed to be so unpleasant and annoying , things were meant to be ,happy , tranquil , and above all   positive . I am really not getting this shit , kinda makes me sad !

Diving into Fantasy .

                                                                        I like things that you can lose yourself in , movies , music books . Its kinda nice to forget about reality and dive deep into something fantastic and mystical . I had that earlier this year with the Amazing Life of Pi . There was something special about that movie , the power struggle between the tiger and the young indian boy was breathtaking , but I digress !                                                                        While checking through old movies on IMDB I came accross a movie I had not heard of before , what was even more offputting was I rec...

Right Next Door !

                                                              While reading today , there was an example of how the actions of people , be they givers or takers , made sense in a very strange way . So much so I felt I had to share ! This beautiful room , full of perfect lighting , food the quality never seen before , and one long table with people sitting opposite each other . There was only one problem , everyone had very long arms , and instead of hands , they had a knife and fork left and right . Now these arms were so long that they couldn't feed themselves , THIS WAS HELL ! (literally) .                                                               Next door , exact same room ...

Isn't Nature a Blast ?

                                                                 Yesterday was a very dry day , in my head I mean ,couldn't get myself motivated to blog . Today seems more positive , I was in the garden too yesterday so that kept me busy .                                                                  While cutting the bushes and grass , I had an encounter with a sweet heavily pregnant robin  redbreast  She was so so cheeky , I was kneeling on the ground with the mower beside me , she toured the garden , before ending up on the handles of the mower no more than 3 feet away . We stared at each other , there was no fear in her , it lasted for at least ...

Ice Bucket Heroes !

                                                 Congratulations to all the ice bucket heroes who did their stuff all in the name of charity . Hell there were some real humdingers , and some downright dangerous . Hope you all came out unscathed .And money was made !                                                  Then you read about the actual percentage that goes to the charity , and it kinda makes you sick that some bastards out there in administration land get the biggest chunk out of hard worked nominations .You know who you are , you greedy PIGS !

What Makes You !

                                                        To all the good people , I wish you well . To all the assholes , its comin to get ya ! Lets hope a lot sooner than it normally takes .                                                         This should be the balance of things , the way things should turn out , the level that makes us have hope in ourselves . But all too often the reverse occurs , not because you deserve it , not because you've been bad but simply because "Shit Happens " . Don't make it more important than it actually is , its an inpermanence in your life , it will go away.                                 ...

In Search of the Pure White Fleece !

                                                          I am 18 years old , I need an Afghan coat , I just have to have one , and its 1971 . I am not going to get one in Dublin , am going to go to London and search for the PURE WHITE FLEECE . This coat is gonna make some impression when it gets here , this is my destiny .                                                           Am on the Portobello Road in London , its Saturday morning , and I see all kinds of coats that normally I would be interested in , but this is a special day , this is my day and I will not be defeated .                                   ...

You are Happiness !

                                                         Come to me you light of life . Give me your spirit so I can follow you with purpose , enter my being and leave me breathless at your mere presence . You are the music in many souls , you are the waking of the day . You are beautiful and kind , sober and dizzy , you make flowers appear more beautiful , for once be my eyes . Set your tone for the day , and share it , share your positive energy and leave us all wonderstruck . You are Joy , you are life , YOU ARE HAPPINESS !

You're not Welcome here !

                                                         Take that misery , and shove it up your ass . Its not welcome here , and never will be . Its all consuming , and a bad bad way to start any day . Take your scratching , worming , influence and give it to someone who deserves it . You are the enemy of happiness , and a fool . You are the scourge of decent people , the death of others , and the nail in many an artists coffin . You are the darkness at the end of a promising existence , you drain many an innocent soul . You are destruction !

The Devil You Know !

                                                              Have you ever wondered how countries , institutions , governments get people to vote in their favour when its blatantly  obvious that their policies , their agendas , their economic forecasts are unclear , are false , and most of the time LIES ? This my dear people is no accident , it is a definite policy of lets scare the shit out of them and we'll get them to agree to anything . The old FEAR FACTOR , has never failed , it brings up thoughts of well the devil you know , is better than the devil you don't know . This is why we are in so much shit at present , and have been for a long time .                                                   ...

Just Being !

Beauty !                                                        Its 6 am , the alarm sounds , time to rise to the day , time to get involved . Before you're out of the bed , what am I gonna wear today ? You're in the shower , whats for breakfast ? You have your breakfast , taking no care or time to enjoy . You're in your car on your way to work , what kinda  shit is the world gonna throw at me today ?                                                       The whole time this is happening , not a second has been given to just being , not a second has been taken to enjoy that shower , that breakfast or even the beauty of a warm sunshine brushing your skin as you worry to work ! Bet to a lot of people this is h...

Apology Accepted ?

                                                             Apologies for my lack of activity yesterday , just one of those days ! You wanna say something substantial , and with hidden meanings , and all that kinda stuff , and you dig deep and there's nothing there . Maybe its just your brain saying W.T.F. , take it easy and slow down , there is no race there is no time expected , I got the message though . Apology accepted ? Good !

Doing your own Shit !

                                                                    Have you ever thought about names and their origins ? No me neither , but its the use of these names that at times can be very confusing ! Boy named Sue , you get the idea . Well I learned on Saturday night in the company of family & friends ,and even new friends that the use of a name can be very liberating .                                                                    A friend of my sons related a story to me about how and why he chose to , for a while anyway , to use the name D.J. Lisa ! This girl was annoying him during one of his gigs , so to shut her up he asked her , h...


                                                                     I hate labels , I hate people who label people , and most of all I hate the labeling on certain products that contain ASPARTAME !                                                                      Why do I hate ASPARTAME ? For one its toxic ,it accounts for at least 75% of the bad reactions to food additives reported to the FDA . There are many dangerous side effects to related to the consumption of ASPARTAME which include headaches/migraines , dizziness , depression , weight gain ,anxiety attacks , seizures and many others too !             ...

Le Chopper !

                                                                 I noticed last evening while out for a well deserved smoke break , a bicycle with no crossbar , a beautiful bicycle ,orange in colour . While looking and admiring it , a lady who was in the same party as myself caught me in mid admiration , as she arrived for her breath of fresh air too . Beautiful bicycle she commented , I agreed , we both just looked , and enjoyed looking .                                                                 Do you remember the " Chopper " bikes she asked , I said I do , wondering where this was headed . Since I was a child I always loved those bikes , but because I wa...

Something To Remember !

                                                                     Where do I start ? We were late going , so late arriving . Anyway it was the right of the birthday person to be late ! And fair play she didn't milk it , it was early though ! Koh , a beautiful Thai restaurant in the heart of Dublin was the venue , we had one of the nicest meals I've had in a long time , not including my own cooking . Great company made for a great evening .I haven't been to the centre of Dublin in years , I hardly recognised it , all laneways and alleyways it seemed..................alien somehow .                                                                   ...

Later Skater !

                                                            Have just made it home from last nights celebrations , am still kinda muzzy . We met some great people , with plenty of stories to tell , let me just breathe a little and will tell a little bit later ! But for the moment am in interval mode . Later Skater .

We are Warriors !

                                                           We are men , we are not sensitive , we are not understanding of the female condition , we are warriors ! What total bullshit !                                                               You see thats the way we are perceived by women , and a lot of the time we fall into the trap of confirming it for them . We are our own worst enemies when it comes to the sensitive natures of our partners . That said , I am still learning , my wife is a great teacher in that respect , and when you get that look , YOU KNOW THE ONE , well you either ignore it at your peril or your brain translates what you know to be the safe option ...

Beautiful 1

                                                          Turbuku ( Turkey ) This is Turbuku  a small little town outside of Bodrum in Turkey , what a beautiful place !

Age is but a number !

                                                              Birthdays , they can be either celebratory or a real pain in the ass . Its my daughter in law's 40th today , I wonder how she's feeling ? Knowing her , she will enjoy it and have a ball . Happiest of birthdays Lisa ,like my wife , you are a great wife and mother , enjoy your day and may there be many many more ! Don't forget age is just a number !

Stand up , Take a Bow , You are SPECIAL !

                                                         Be brave , there's another day coming tomorrow . Its gonna be Saturday , a time to chill and wash away the punishment of the previous five days . Unless , unless you do something that is both enjoyable and rewarding .                                                          What you gonna be when you grow up? More importantly who are you gonna be when you grow up ? For many if not most  will never have the luxury of choice . And so this moulds and shapes the who are you gonna be .                                               ...

Enough is Never Enough !

                                                                  Its complicated ,its terribly terribly complicated , how seeing life as it is , you try and understand it . You've obviously asked the usual questions , why am I here , why wasn't I born rich instead of good looking ( a joke ) , but you get the message . And its never been such a profound question as it is today .                                                                    The world has it riches , some countries more than others and still enough is never enough ! Its the age old human position , if I have 5 I must have 10 . And then there's the poor , who have absolutely no say or opi...

I Rest My Case !

                                                  In the words of top Australian catholic  cleric George Pell , if a truck driver picks up some lady , and proceeds to molest her , he thinks it very inappropriate because it is contrary to the policy , for the ownership ,the leadership of that company to be held responsible he said via a video link from Rome ! That sounds pretty innocuous , fairly said .                                                  But what if he compares that analogy to the abuse of children and argues the same rules should apply , and that the Church is not responsible for acts of paedophilia by its priests , bishops , cardinals , you get the picture . This is where George Pell is confirming himself to be completel...

Working their Petals off

                                                            I just filled a vase with roses and flowers from my garden , the result , even in my biased opinion was spectacular ! I like my roses , I like looking at them , I like the strange feeling of having  nurtured them , having tended them , having loved them . They are so receptive to my urgings that they flower for me , just me nobody else . They are my babies , they grow , and how sad when they die , they just fall  apart to be replaced joyfully by their younger brothers and sisters . Such a beautiful cycle , though pretty soon   the roses will sleep for the winter . They deserve some rest , they've been working their petals off .                                        ...

Just Think of Elvis Presley !

                                                                   I think the cherries will be better next year , you see the tree is getting bigger and stronger . Makes sense really , not something I'm used to .                                                                    What was it I was saying ? I remember now , your privacy and the lack of . Does it not do your head in when everybody wants your statistics , and am not talking about your body measurements ! You know , e/mail address , place of birth , age , all your relevant details . Maybe I'm just getting paranoid , but I do believe someone is watching us . Our every move , our every text ...

Ten out of Ten .

                                                        Top of  the morning/afternoon to you all . Its Thursday and I can feel the LOVE ! Its everywhere , its in my bones its in my hair can feel that tingle ,you know the one ? Its so all consuming . Yeah thats a lot better than yesterday , morning anyway . Today I am positive , I have hoovered the downstairs , gotten rid of any hiding spiders so now the house is spider free ! I don't think so !                                                         So where was I ? Oh yes , my wife and I watched a very disturbing but ultimately educational movie last night . The Normal Heart , with Mark Ruffalo . Julia Roberts & Alfred Molina . It follows how New York...

Fe Fi Fo Fum !

                                                            Great dinner , great company , and great grandchildren .                                     Was not in the best today , time of the month ? No . You know how sometimes there's just no explanation for it . You wreck your brain trying to work out why you feel the way you do , but it just doesn't come . Or maybe there is no explanation !                                     Then you meet these two little puppies , my favourite words for my grandaughters , and somehow all is forgotten in an instant . Maybe its because they play with your hair ( the little bit I have , there's not much density there ) , or ...
On my way to dinner with my son his wife and 2 beautiful granddaughters .

Shame on you Mr. Norman !

                                                                        I once used to look forward to FILM 98/99/ etc. when a certain Barry Norman would introduce snippets from movies awaiting release . I always respected his views and thought them to be honest and informative . Even when he interviewed stars on his show he was forever the intelligent asker of pertinent questions . I liked him .                                                                         Today , he completely destroyed my regard for him professionally . Why would he say that added to Robin Williams addictions to drink & drugs , that he was also addi...

I Don't see Anyone Laughing !

         Just had lunch , ahhhhhh sausage sandwiches with hp sauce , Maybe I was Just hungry !                                                      Got a line of washing out today , there's great drying out there .Its called working in harmony with yourself . My bath towel has come out so white , I've  been informed its due to the extra length of time the wash is on for by she who knows about these things . You try your best to be a domestic animal , and it works for me . Takes time but definitely worth the effort .                                                      Where was I ? Oh yes we were talking about the jungle out there , looking at it from my perspective , taking in to account a...

Its a Jungle out There !

                                    Audrey Kathleen Ruston ................anybody ?                                                           Well if I mentioned Breakfast at Tiffanys , Roman Holiday , My Fair Lady , you'd know who she was wouldn't you ?                                                           Now there was an actress ! Petite , convincing and always intelligent !My own personal favourite was The Nun's Story with Peter Finch . These were movies that needed no sexual content , no innuendo just  a good clean story .                     ...

What does that mean ?

                          My wife has just invented a new word  BLOGBLOCK !                              Wonder what that means ? Is she trying to tell me something ?

Be Kind Post A Comment !

.............If  you like my blogs , leave a comment , or just follow me ! Nothing worse than talking to yourself !

Good night Hayley .

                                             John Mills , now there was an actor !                                             I was 10 years old , I was beginning to discover myself , and I fell in love !           I had been brought to the Metropole cinema in Dublin's O'Connell Street and seen my first screen love . The movie was the Parent Trap , and the actress was none other than John Mills daughter Hayley .To make it even better there were two Hayley's in the movie as she played twins . She was oscar material , and she looked good too .                                             I progressed , and went to other movies with ...

Oh look is that my finger on the Floor ?

                                                 While in my late teens I had the opportunity to live in Denmark , nothing too exciting I decided to work in a factory making tin cans . You know the sort ? For spam and the like . Just another way for me  to see the world and work at the same time . It was in a town called Odense , not far from the German border . You see at the time we were the pioneers of the E.E.C. ( European Economic Community ) and as such the borders had been opened in all the countries to allow foreign workers . There were about thirty of us , all unknown to each other but eager to explore .                                                 On arrival we were given a four bedroom apartment to live in , so four complete s...

I'm Taking Notice Now !

                                                  Monday , I have builders just outside my back garden building and the noise is a pain in the ass . They're building houses and it could mean our views of spectacular sunsets could be coming to an end ! What a bummer !                                                   Good Monday anyway , how are you all today ? Kinda strange that the summer is coming to an end , the evenings are getting shorter and its just getting a little bit nippy too ! The growth in my garden is also slowing down , and soon will finish . I suppose not  having to tend to it  as much will be welcome , but not having life in your garden is just ...........well lifeless .             ...

Popular Ism's .

                                                       I have tried to understand a lot of ism's in my life and have found them all to be very very boring . You know the usual my ism is better than yours . My ism is truer and more believable than yours , and then there's the big money these people are making from people who can ill afford to contribute to their churches . Doesn't it just sicken you that no matter what you get yourself into , its always about money and their upkeep . So with all that in mind I have decided to try something different , well read about it anyway . Another ism you ask ? Why yes it is , am reading about the Buddha's guide to happiness .                                                     ...

Picasso Style !

                                                                   Long time ago , while living in Switzerland and working in a well known hotel , I was fortunate to meet this incredible man . His name was Fernand Legros , and at the time I had no knowledge of who or what he was . He lived in a penthouse suite in Geneva with all the trappings of a superstar . I found out subsequently that he was the other half in a partnership that the authorities wanted to get hold off . The other half of this duo was a man named Elmyr De Hory , again someone I was not familiar with . I found out later that Elmyr was in fact the greatest art forger in the last  hundred years maybe ever !                                         ...

The Unfillable Hole .

                                    Sunday morning ..................                       I remain totally committed to the eradication of low self esteem among individuals , who through no fault of their own seem to live life constantly having to explain their existence . How does it get to this ? How does a beautiful human being get to loathing themselves and their surroundings ? I know its a case of low confidence , how does that trait , that horrible feeling get there in the first place ? Could it be that we ourselves put an  individuals success ahead of their stability ? Its kinda ironic , that when the individual falls all we can do is say , hey I never seen that coming . Sure he never really spoke about that , but somehow he/she always looked lost .                     I write th...

Glad I shared

                              That's it for the today , I said more than I should have , but glad I shared .                                            Tomorrow is Sunday , shall I blog ?                                                              Good night & may your dreams be blissful .

The Little Box .

                                                     Treat yourself kindly , dust yourself down and let yourself breathe . These are the items in my drawer that attract my attention , they are hidden in that drawer and they shouldn't be . They are a means to exist , a means to excel and a reason to continue . You see not relating to cause pushes us in misdirection , and confuses the shit out of us . I don't honestly know where this is all coming from , but its both exciting and terrifying .                                                      I went to a shrink once , as I was having problems dealing with my oncoming redundancy . When you're in your fifties and your income is half decent , well the prospect of that no lo...

The juice is Finally Loose !

                                                 Where am I going with this ? I haven't a clue , but to be honest you could be reading a lot less interesting stuff . Stuff they like to shove down our throats , the news you wanna hear man , the juice is on the loose ! Now , does it not piss you off when the world is going to shit and all they write about is the size of Kim Kardashians ass ? Or look how pale some other celebrity appears , she must be anorexic she's so f...... thin . Who cares ? But it sells magazines and books . How many biographies has Jordan had published ? And she is how old ? You get the message .                                                  Many people talk about a change they would like to see coming , everything fr...

Good Morning ...........Yeah Yeah Yeah !

                                   Wow its Saturday ,            No rest for the wicked blogger , and how are you today ? I am fine and you ? Well its good to have so much love about the place , it kinda makes you feel you want to get out of bed , if only to have breakfast and smoke your first cigarette of the day . Shame on you , polluting your lungs , get real they are MY LUNGS and if I want to pollute them with the the aroma of  exhaust fumes so be it . If you want to get through your day taking Xanax , off you go but be sure to enjoy ok ? No point taking these things if you're addicted to them and then it just becomes some stupid boring habit know ?          So where is all this love emanating from ? Don't really know but can feel it all around me , and its sickening ! Am so used to hearing about people found in containers , ...

When a pillow hits your head !

                                                         Just before the pillow hits my head , and I go to a place where dreams are ghosts and ghosts are dreams , I would like to leave you with something nice ( hopefully ).                                       When dreams become your only existence                                       And pain is just a numbing ache                                       Be sure about your life's persistence                                   ...

Poverty is an opportunity !

                                                           Lets get something straight , I am not lecturing , or preaching , or even trying to attract someone's attention , its just........, well I feel ......yeah thats it I FEEL ! Sometimes you're just numbed by stuff , the exposure of pain in the world , that now it seems we are becoming immune to other peoples suffering . Am I alone in this ?                                                            Let me tell you a story , wouldn't that be nice ?                                 ONCE UPON A TIME ,  There were ten people all of different denominations ...

Do you know who I am ?

                                                  Do you know who I am ?  I hope not then you'll know more than me , and frankly thats a scary thought . Though if I am honest I don't really know many people who could say differently . I am the power of  me , I am the essence of trying to placate everyone , not a complaint just a fact ! With all that said , I am happy being this person , a change of attitude and persona would be just too much to consider a this stage of my life . How about you ?                                                   Peace is just a WORD !


                                       I have just finished my dinner , am in Ireland so wherever you are just apply the time difference , don't want you thinking I  am having dinner for breakfast .                                        I read recently , yesterday is but a ghost , tomorrow a dream , and today is the real deal . Never thought about it like that but it sure makes sense . We are so pre-occupied about the future and the past , we never give the present the care and attention it deserves . Its very simple , we lose our way ! W e want to be in control of our every move and deed that sometimes freeing ourselves from those restraints makes us physically sick .                                 ...

Keeping an eye on you !


Just an Introduction !

Ok then , here we go !                                             Firstly , if you read my profile the expected content within my blog could be self inspired , could be media inspired you get the message . So whosoever might read this , I hope you get as much fun out of reading this as I certainly will  from writing it .                                             Secondly , I am not over educated , I am educated in me and what happens in my space . And so  I always protect and share with who I choose to share , does that sound simple ? THIS IS ME !                                         I was inspired today .             ...