You're only a Watcher !

Has no Significance here , Just thought it was nice !
                                                                     I've been thinking very deeply lately , deeper than I usually think , and to be honest I am in a bit of a quandary . And its not something I like to do often , because I can tend to get bogged down in too much detail , and in the end accomplish absolutely nothing as I tend to forget what I was thinking about in the first place . An all too

frequent happening in our household , and thanks be to God , my wife understands me as sometimes I fail to recognize her also . Now don't tell her that , because as you all know she is not one to be messed with .I digress ..............apologies .
                                                                    Now where was I ? Oh yes , mulling over what makes one person good and one person bad has me at my wits end . Look around you , for example the next time you are on a bus , or in a bar , and do this exercise of who looks like a good person & who looks like a bad person . Now its not easy , and there is no real measure to use , except your own intuition . Examine these people as much as you can , but don't let them catch you eyeing them up . they might just get the wrong impression and slap the head off you and confirm what you probably thought in the first place . No , you have to be tactful , you have to be patient and above all observant . This exercise will teach you things about people , you probably never understood .
                                                                  You get to see people's true colours when they feel relaxed , you get to see the real deal . Now the real deal as we all should know , sometimes may not be as pretty as you were be led to believe , and the ugliness of an individual can appear without the least bit of provocation . You will see the leaders , you will see the followers , and then you will see the people who couldn't care less anyway . There will be the tiniest minority present , and they are called the watchers , and you will swiftly realize that you have become one of their members in the blink of an eye .Welcome to my world .
                                                                 What makes this exercise fascinating is the fact that its not just fascinating , but also very entertaining and so very very educational . There are a lot of people out there who just don't have the ability to suss someone out . A very important attribute that needs plenty of tending if you are to master its true definition . No one is asking you to be an undercover spy . No one is asking you to break the law or anything , but do yourself a favour , and learn why people are so different from one another . You will get to understand why certain people need closeness . You will also get to know and understand why so many people choose to be loners . From experience , loners are mostly watchers .
                                                                There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to doing this , as I said before there is no measure available , except maybe a little common sense . Though at times that can be hard to come by as well . Let your eyes and ears do all of the work , and above all else , even if you want to , Do Never Get Involved or Interact With Your Subject Matter . Let them continue their incessant drama , that's probably being played out , day after day , week after week . And if they are not wise enough , or brave enough to call a halt to that drama , well then that position of theirs will probably never change . They will probably be in a place of knowing no better . And who are you to point that out to them ? You're only a watcher !


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