Healthy Happy Puppies !

                                                                       Do you know something ? I find it amazing , and it has confirmed what I have always thought , that animal stories about the animals themselves and their owners will always raise an eyebrow when it comes to reading about them and their furry exploits . I don't know what it is about the animal kingdom , but they have cornered the market in anything relating to their mischievous behaviour . All they have to do is smile , pant , or just lie on top of you to bring out  thousands of oohs and aahs .
                                                                      The reason I am bringing this up is quite simple really . After yesterdays update about Diamond and her babies , I have been inundated with inquiries as to their health and their welfare . So rather than answer each inquiry separately , and believe me it would take a while , I will simply say that mother and babies are all well and in tip top health . Its a pity I can't say the same for the dutiful Jeff & Jorge , but then that's another story , and maybe even another blog .
Just in case you're feeling left out !
                                                                     Thank you everyone for being so concerned , I have spoken to Diamond , and believe me she greatly appreciates all of your kind wishes for her and especially for her babies , Zeus , Apollo ,Maximus , Titus , Caesar , and last but not least Crystal .They are all being groomed this minute , so that they can look their best when they are inducted into the Puppy Hall Of Fame . Its meant to be a secret , but it'll be all over the Canine Media outlets within the next few days . Whatever you do , don't tell anyone that it was me who let this out . And because the readership of this blog understand how closed our information needs to be , I won't have to remind you all of the consequences if you try to cross that invisible line .
                                                                    So people , have a wonderful end to the day , and may all of your hopes and wishes include somebody with a lot of fur on them . As the lady said " An animal is for playing with , not displaying with " .


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