Diamond the Frenchie and Babies Update !

                                                                      It takes a certain kind of somebody to make things feel special in your life doesn't it ? I mean if you didn't have that somebody doing things for you and wondering after you , life would seem a little empty I feel . With that in mind I would like to convey a little story to you . Nothing too dramatic or disturbing , just a little ditty about how simple things can be in a world that is so very often too difficult and complicated to begin with .
                                                                     This story involves true heroism and one persons ability to put personal danger aside , and give help to someone else truly in need of assistance .
                                                                    As you know from some of my earlier blogs , a certain Diamond the Frenchie gave birth to seven puppies three weeks ago . And you also know that only six survived , and I can bring you the glorious news that mother and family are doing just fine , and thriving from day to day .
                                                                   Well Diamond's Mammy and Daddy , Jeff & Jorge are not as fine as the puppies and mammy are . This is due to a lot of stress looking after them , and plenty of sleepless nights . They are both so dutiful with regard to the babies , that they haven't had a minute since these babies came along . So on Monday of this week , I offered to do dinner for them both , knowing how stressed they both are . The invitation was accepted gracefully , but declined on the grounds of them not being able to leave the puppies alone . Something I had not really given too much thought about . I still wanted to give them some free time if we could . So a plan was put in place .
                                                                  Due to those unforeseen circumstances , I had to concoct something that would be agreeable to everybody , and at the same time not intrude on the privacy and dedication that is called Puppy Time . So I put forward the idea that I would cook dinner in my house and when it was ready I would transport it , gravy and all to the chosen destination , Puppy Manor . This was agreed initially , but after some further thought , Jorge put forward the idea that he would cook the potatoes , mashed and roasted , and I should cook the Roast Beef . This seemed a little strange at first , but after due consideration , the idea grew on me the more I thought about it .
                                                                 This evening that plan of action was put into place . I cooked the roast , and delivered it to the home of Stressed Jeff & Jorge .Everything else was prepared perfectly . The potatoes were wonderful , and everything else was too .
                                                                 Dinner was a success , and it gave me time to talk about the things that matter most to me in life . Family , even in this particular case if they happen to

be canine , and food of course . We have planned to continue on this new wave tradition of the communal kitchen , where you can sit down and eat and talk till the cows come home . What started out as a time saving exercise , turned out to be a bloody good idea . So just in case you hear of someone else doing the same thing and claiming it as their own . You will always know full well that this is where you seen the idea first . 2/03/2016 , put it in your note books , I can see this idea catching on somehow . This is where you seen it first ! 


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