And They Don't Like It !

                               When it comes to saying something about any given subject or topic , you tend to know who and who will not be interested in a particular point you decide to open up about . You know for example that you have a certain readership who like and tend to go for the silly little anecdotes that fill my blogs at times . You also know from a personal angle , who will be interested in stories of human kindness and I suppose simply how the other half lives . But you also find out pretty soon , that blogging in a certain direction like the poster says , real shit , whether it will be read or just plain ignored .                             Since starting to do this pastime of mine , and I have mentioned it before , I have found not surprisingly , that The United States readership like to get involved in anything political I may put up here .
                                                               As I said unsurprisingly they have this appetite for change that is not so truly understood . Yes I tend to go on about stuff , especially if America is involved , and aren't they involved in everything anyway ? But what I have only recently got to grips with , is the fact that the American public are being dictated to , in a way that is somewhat disturbing .And they don't like it !
                                                              I tend to hit out at any unfair comment or action I deem pertinent to my story . What I don't do is try to lessen the importance of something , if that story needs telling . With that in mind I look upon how every country in the world is headed for financial chaos . I look upon those people who are causing this chaos , as the real cancer in our society . I know they don't care . I know they have an ulterior motive . And I also know that we are not so stupid to believe , that everything will sort itself out without some sort of personal sacrifice . How that sacrifice will be made , and what it will be is anybody's guess . But change is definitely coming .
                                                             I probably won't be around to see that change . I hope I will . And yes , global opinion and global apathy where once was rife , is starting to turn its attention at the real cause of our woes i.e. , big corporation and financial institutions .
                                                            So when I write my blog , it doesn't matter that certain people will ignore a particular line I might take . That's just called choice . But if you think it worthy of sharing , do so in the belief that maybe together we can help wake up that third of the world population , who simply don't give a shit . 


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