Palestine . Such an Easy Task For Me !

                                                                     Earlier on today I had a conversation with a certain Mr. J Berkowitz on facebook . The conversation was basically about someone else's feelings of despair because of the situation in the world with regard to the lack of understanding , the lack of love , and how every opinion with regard to the same was hate filled especially with people's attitudes toward Israel  . And this left the lady who was so full of despair , unhappy and she asked why this sort of thing was even happening in the first place . I would describe her feelings as being maybe a little naive , but I understood her concern .
                                                                   I explained , in my opinion that the reason for such hate was simply down to brain washing , and lack of consideration for others , I also explained in my opinion , that it is understandable to be upset with what is going on . At this point this a certain Mr. Berkowitz joined the conversation , adding that being Jewish and having access to nuclear weapons , unlike most countries of the world , gives the Israeli's every right to oppress wherever and whoever they deemed necessary .
                                                                  Now anyone who has ever read my blogs , understands and knows my feelings in relation to the stealing of land from the Palestinian people . They also understand , that I will always give the benefit of the doubt where necessary , just in case I may have misunderstood somebody . But this Mr. Berkowitz , now he was a completely different kettle of fish . He had no qualms about declaring his and his countries feelings towards Palestine . I offered the fact that The U.N in 1947
Lands Stolen From Palestine , BY ISRAEL !
deemed it fair to steal a third of Palestinian land and hand it to the Jews . A U.N that was supported by Jewish money from The United States I need add . To which he replied , if the U.N and the United States agreed on it , well then Palestine had to accept it . They didn't accept it , they have never accepted it and they never will accept it . I pointed all of these truths out to Mr. Berkowitz , he was having none of it .
                                                                 He went on to try and shame my opinions by adding , that because I was Irish , and because countries who don't have nuclear capabilities , must feel like dickless Eunuchs . This was his opinion , this is his belief . At this point the lady apologized for even asking her question , as it had given rise to such wild declarations and even wilder Jewish rhetoric . I explained that before this conversation began I had a gut feeling about Israels attitude to all Palestinians , and by the end of it , it just confirmed what I suspected in the first place . But as always , you tend to give the benefit of the doubt don't you ?
                                                                I enjoyed the confrontational aspect of the conversation , simply because of my feelings toward Palestine . I will always defend Palestine , this is who I am . I am not antisemitic , never have been . I am pro freedom , and when Someone like Israel murders and steals another's land , and the U.N and the United States agree with it , I feel something has to be said . In my opinion . I only have words and the power of disagreement , but for anyone who knows me well , disagreeing with something that is ultimately full of savagery and murder is always going to be an easy task for me .


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