Freeing oneself From Religious Captivity !

                                                                       I was born , free from religion , free from any racial hatred or bias that we all know of too well . I was also born in Dublin , Ireland , a staunch catholic country , known for its spreading of the faith throughout the world . I was born with the innocence and purity of every baby born to every mother that ever conceived . Just like you all I was christened ,and if you were born into a catholic family like I was you will understand the traditions and the religious expectations of being catholic . As you got a little older you were confirmed in another very religious ceremony . These are the trappings of growing up as a young catholic child in Ireland .
                                                                      All of the feast days are celebrated in the schools , and you learn what special rules you have to abide by pretty quickly . Good Friday pubs are closed , and you must abstain from any form of meat product , as is always expected of you .
                                                                     I have long since given up on catholicism as my religion . I am what you might call a Christian , looking for a little direction maybe . Looking for Christian things to convince me I have chosen the right path . I haven't been given any news or epiphanies of late , and so it makes me a little skeptical of the path I have chosen . You see catholicism didn't do it for me . Too much interest in money if I am being honest with you . Too many rules handed down by unscrupulous people , wanting to make a profit at the expense of the poor and the needy .No I don't like man made rules thrown at you under the guise of having to be charitable , benefiting none other than the people who made these rules . If you haven't worked it out by now Religion in all of its Glory is nothing other than big business . Taking advantage of billions of people who need something to believe in . Belief is fine , if its what you want , and if it can be kept personal . But the selling of it as a means to make money , makes me sick to the stomach .
                                                                    Last Easter something kinda changed for me . I have always kept with the tradition of no meat on Good Friday . There were times I just forgot about it , very few I need add . But on Good Friday of last year , I took another step towards liberation , (long overdue I need add ) , For lunch I had sausages , and for dinner I had steak . For once in my life I didn't feel guilty about it  , I didn't feel I had let myself down . I just felt free from the hold the catholic church has had over me all of my life .
                                                                    As I said this was long overdue , and it doesn't mean I am lost in the wilderness as a result . It simply means to me that I am taking a path that is not paved with fear of excommunication . I am for once in my life free from the Religious skulduggery that has befallen the catholic church .I have direction now . My own brand of direction , a brand that is not subject to acceptance because of my monetary contributions every other week . Or more importantly , the acceptance of the female gender , being less important in the eyes of a Selective Group of Old Men !


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