Man Wouldn't it be nice to Just Pause for a While ?

                                                                       I am donning my serious gown for this particular blog . So if you are not in the mood for serious stuff , you've been warned . And contrary to popular belief , this is one blog I had in my head to do , and not just off the cuff as I normally do . You might find it informative , and you might find it boring , but one thing about it is , that it's the truth the whole truth , and nothing but the truth . So hold on to your seats , here goes !
                                                                      Have you ever stopped to think seriously about yourself and where you are going ? In what direction you are headed , and who it is that influences you the most along your merry little way ? Have you ever felt yourself , slowly trying to get to grips with something that would normally be a piece of cake for  you ? Well if you haven't , read on , as I am going to explain in as usual , my own words , and way , about something that you will encounter at some stage in your life .
                                                                     It's what I am now calling the changing event . There are probably other more definitive terms for it , but to make it simple we will simply call it The Changing Event .Its something that probably a lot of people are simply not aware of , and its happening to people day in and day out , and what's worse is that most people don't even know what it is that's happening to them . Or how it came and from where , but its having an effect of confusing people , making them feel low , and giving them a not too good understanding of themselves . Its kinda like where once there was direction , now the map just seems jumbled up .
                                                                     As we all know no one or nothing stands still . Every day is just a rehash of yesterday or the day before . The contents of the day is what changes , and with it , our understanding of things new that just keep on confusing us all . Why can't things simply remain the same ? Why does trying to keep your life as simple as possible , seem so difficult and at times so undoable . And when you try to work it all out , you will always land on the same step , that step we call change .
                                                                   You get used to one thing or another , and how it behaves , to be told in the interest of improvement we need to change that behaviour , from using it this way , to that way . Whose life does it improve ? Most of the time I think its just someone's attempt at justifying their existence . Justifying their positions in some shape or form . While we all scream " If its not broke , don't fix it " . This is suddenly making sense to you now isn't it ?
                                                                  Everybody wants familiar continuity if at all possible , If you are going to change something , F.F.S. make it gradual , make it bearable , and even more important make it acceptable . Not everyone out there is a computer geek .Not everyone out there has a maths degree . Not everyone out there needs or wants change . Change can be uplifting , but it can also be so very terrifying for people . Please bear this in mind when you decide that the black remote control I've been using for the best part of my life , in your mind needs to be changed to white because of equal diversity .
                                                                 We are all just human beings trying to do our best in life . Trying to keep in tune with updates and reboots , and upgrading and downgrading , and rationalisation , and consumerism , and ageism and all of the rest of the shite you need to throw at us . Man wouldn't it be nice to just pause for a while


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