The Start of a New Beginning !

                                                                       It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge , and accept that there could be something possibly wrong with someones behaviour . Especially if you are close to this certain someone , and you have always had nothing but their best interests at heart . These experiences that you both probably went through , are possibly the foundation on which your friendship is based . In most cases you will have probably grown up together , went to school together , cried and laughed together . Which makes some of your suspicions that little bit harder to believe and even harder to take .
                                                                      In most cases you will know this person inside out , and to see them not just out of sorts , but also so out of character that it makes it the more difficult to comprehend. You will see all of the telltale signs , the ignoring of your constant messaging and calls of concern . The not wanting to socialize , when that's really all outside of both your marriages , you ever tended to do . You will see and feel how isolated that person is beginning to be . You will go visit her and her family , only to see how downright untidy and messy within the home she has become . The pride with which she used to display , both in her dress , and in her home life has been totally replaced with a couldn't care less attitude that to put it mildly , is doing your head in .
                                                                     You will have gone over what could have caused this change in your mind , hundreds of times , always to arrive at the same not so obvious conclusion . You will have asked yourself so many times , have I in any way contributed to her changed state , only to find that no matter what excuse you may come up with , it will never fall into the category that you in any way had any blame in this .
                                                                    The time comes to approach this problem , and it is not something that you would have on the top of your agenda as being one of your must-do's of the day . But even with that sense of foreboding , it is something you have to do . It is certainly something that now needs to be confronted , head-on .
                                                                   You present yourself as best you can . without it seeming a little weird . You want to ease into this , and not appear to be pushy in any way . And you ask that most definitive of questions . What's wrong ? She reacts with eyes wide open , and pretends not to understand . You ask her again , What's going on ? What has happened to the person I have known all these years , who now so suddenly I don't even recognize ?
                                                                  That person she assumed was someone else , looks back at her from the mirror , and just cries . This is the first time she has cried in a very long time . She has been absent from her home and her mental state for such a long time now , that getting back was always going to be difficult . She has acknowledged finally , that something was wrong . She has accepted that something needs to be done . She is a lot calmer now . That messy room she was talking about earlier , will be transformed into a room she was always used to . Today is the start of her rehabilitation , today is the start of a new beginning .



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