You Might Just Like It !

                                                            This is just a view from someone who is younger than seventy and older than sixty , just so you will understand where I'm coming from . A lot of people of my age are of the opinion that age matters when it comes to making serious and lasting decisions , and that they have the edge on accuracy and importance . Not so I am compelled to say , but that is not the way all of my age would think about it . You see wisdom doesn't necessarily come with old age , wisdom can be old , but more importantly it can and does be present among the younger generations .
                                                            You are always shown the usual picture of someone older passing on their wisdom to the young , and that's alright when the wisdom is wise . But not all peoples perceptions of wisdom are the same . Many times you will have arguments for and against certain teachings that were meant to enlighten their audience . When in fact sometimes all they do is confuse an already complicated issue .
                                                            I love discussion , discussion gives everyone a chance to either profit or contribute to a relevant situation or subject . Its not always easy to try and change your opinions on things when someone inadvertently enlightens you . You've got to understand , many people have been of that specific opinion for probably a very long time , and change is not something that is done easily or willingly . That's where being open to change is very good for your intellectual diet . Its a must if you want to learn anything about life . Its very easy just to dig your heels in and argue about how things are for you , but there are many people who have that same narrow minded attitude that is just not brain healthy .
                                                           We need to stop isolating ourselves from what we really know is good for us , but because we may be a little scared about change , we decide to stick with an already proven formula . But just like your android phone and your pc's , we all need updates every so often , and if we fail to update our software and hardware , we simply become obsolete .
                                                           Now how does it feel to be obsolete ? How does it feel not to have your point of view represented ? How does it feel to have no connection with everything that's going on around you ? The answer is obviously simple , it makes you feel opinionless and worthless . So the next time you are sitting there with your draconian opinions , wondering why no one is agreeing with you , just start downloading life's updates . Its quite simple no cables are necessary , just a willingness to give tunnel vision the old heave ho .Get yourself a wide angled view on life , you might just like it !


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