Worthy Exhaustion !

                                                                 After yesterdays two blogs about the death penalty . I'm just wondering how you all felt about it . I know it was a hard one to consider , but with the way things and people including children are evolving , especially without conditions or borderlines and consequences its not hard to see where things have gone wrong . One child swipes out at another child and really hurts him , and his consequence is the bold chair ? Like hello !
                                                               It really annoys me about certain parents who have no control over their little children , they are allowed to run amok , they are allowed to scream and insult their parents . They kick their parents and their siblings , sometimes biting them , and what consequence have they to look forward to ? We'll just take their playstations away from them for a week , and that will really teach them .
                                                              Its time to bite the bullet and get your shit together ladies and gentlemen , you are rearing the future , and looking at your version of the future , it sure looks messed up . Don't even try and tell me that your hands are tied , these are your children take ,responsibility for them and let me and the rest of us like them . Its really not that difficult , but caring enough takes a lot of time , and you will be exhausted , but think of what the result will be . You'll have brought up decent and considerate human

beings , and not the thugs we all see day by day .


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