And so it has come to pass that the never ending quest for equality and the desire for love of all denominations has won the day here in Ireland . To say I was confident of the vote would be fairly accurate , if only for the reason that the Irish people are a very loving lot , and don't like the idea of somebody else suffering either emotionally or psychologically .They are very aware of the changes that are taking place in our society , they are very aware of the need to pull ourselves away from all the religious bias that has wrongly defined us for so long . It is no longer acceptable to just agree and trust a church that for so long had held sway here on this little island . All of their rules and laws were but a means to try and withhold freedom of choice from large sections of our community .
Now the bishops and arch bishops are calling for change within the church going forward , and all because of a vote . Did they not realize that those same changes could have been done before the referendum ? If it was wrong before the vote , their attitudes would have been wrong after the vote . Sometimes groups of people need to declare their opinions on the suffering of minority groups , even if its just to show they understand peoples legitimate arguments and philosophies . The church never did that , and that is why they are going to have a huge job to try and repair the trust lost by their flock , if it is even possible to do so . I have my own opinions on that and will not pain you with it in this declaration of happiness with the outcome of the vote .

So to all of the Gay people out there , I truly congratulate them on their great triumph , and give great thanks to all who have supported their stance when it wasn't very easy to do so .You are all know legitimized , you are all now free from the bias and exclusions you suffered for so long . No longer need you hide your colourful attitudes , no longer need you shy away from gatherings because of stupid innuendo . You are out there now , where you've always wanted to be . That closet can be burned , stripped to nothingness , never to be re-opened , but in your mind it will always serve as a reminder of the persecution suffered by yourselves .
Go forth with colour , go forth with pride , and especially go forth and be happy and gay openly for the first time in your lives ..You have all been so brave , well done ! Congratulations , Jeff ,Jorge , Paul , Alper , Austin , John , Robbie , Ciaran and every single one of you .
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