Whispers In The Wind !

                                                            Once upon a time there lived a group of people that were called the Colourful Rainbow Brigade . Their groups came from far and near , and the great  thing about this group was their understanding of drama , and belief in everything that sparkled . They have always been here , though large sections of the community would rather they weren't . When the vote was taken to give them the same opportunity and freedom to unite in a loving and legal partnership , now that was some day and some result ! Now I hear you ask , why have they never been allowed to be just like the rest of us and live their lives in the colourful spirit that is abundant in their masses . Well the simple answer to this is that another group of less colourful individuals decided that part of their manifesto was to betray their fellow human being , disallow them from being happy , while secretly hiding as many colourful individuals within their own ranks . But there was also a very sinister side to these people , they found it acceptable to allow the sytematic abuse of children to go unheeded for so many years . Now we all know these people as being frocked representatives of the catholic church .
                                                            No group , association , or religion has the right to stand in the way of freedom of association . They have no right to push their ecclesiastical laws down our throats any more , they were unanimously defeated .
                                                         The C R B have been with us throughout the centuries , they have lived and loved in private because of their unfair oppression . They have deserved none of the names thrown at them since they realized they were gay . There have been so many sad stories in relation to poor young lads and girls who were never accepted because of their sexual identity , when their own parents cast them out because of religious and bigoted beliefs . Any parent who fell into this category should hang their heads in shame , you may have lost your sons and daughters through your behaviour , but what they got as a result of you throwing them away was the freedom to express themselves , and the freedom to choose who their real families were .
                                                         Throughout my life I have always supported the C R B , I have had real solid friendships with them . I have been chatted up by them , and I have always been happy to explain that I was straight . I could never take offence , sure why should I ? That's what people do when they want to form a relationship , and sometimes even being straight , you may have chatted up a lesbian yourself at some stage in your life . So what ? People will always be attracted to each other , its the basis for a healthy mature way of dealing with your feelings , and just because someone else's sexuality is not the same as yours , does not mean he/she hurts , loves , feels less than you . Their hearts get broken too , they watch movies together at night by the fireside too . They cry like babies just like us , and they smile and laugh in exactly the same way .
                                                        The day that vote was taken has gone down in history as one of the most colourful , bright , and historical days we have ever had here in Ireland . The yes vote won the day , of which I had no doubt whatsoever, because simply put , there are more honest fair and people loving people out there , than there are bigoted hateful people out there . They will no longer be able to shy away from the reality of homosexuality any more . You can sit in your dark bigoted houses and talk to each other as much as you like , but from here on in your cries will be but mere whispers in the wind !


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