What we Need is Big Kahunas !

                                                                  There's rules for this , and there's rules for that , there's so many rules you just feel so restricted in your life . You cannot breathe for the smothering by these rules and regulations . You cannot watch this before a certain time , you cannot in some countries kiss in public . Its alright to portray scenes of utter violence and depravity in the movies , but when a couple are doing what come naturally there's an 18 certificate posted on the movie .
                                                                  Your whole life is a series of do's and dont's , and god help anyone who happens to be in some minority group , their lives are filled with restriction after restriction . You know the one's , if you're gay you're a threat to humanity .If you have autism you stand the chance just like today of being thrown off a flight half way into your journey . If you start coughing people are now so paranoid that they think you're carrying the ebola virus .
                                                                  We are slowly losing our humanity , we have less time for tolerance , because tolerance means you're expected to accept that which you are now being taught as common practice . Some one else's idea of common practice may not be yours . In fact it may go against every thing you have ever believed in , but because people in authority want to move the goal posts eventually their idea of usual will effectively become yours .
                                                                  I am not so naive as to think that we don't need rules and guidelines , of course we do . But its getting past funny when you think of the amount of people it now takes to decide whether something is good for you . At one time certain foods were good for you , and it was recommended that these foods should be part of your accepted healthy diet . Then  someone comes along and rubbishes those previous recommendations and everyone accepts those findings , only to be told later on in the year that you can go back to your previous diet as these new findings were compiled by an idiot . Make sense ? No I didn't think so , and that's the way they have you .
                                                                 And don't think for one minute that all this changing of rules and the re-arranging of your eating habits is accidental , its a carefully orchestrated way in making you slaves to the system . Its quite simple really , there's no point in having the masses organized and educated , no its so much easier to get peoples agreement on change if you have them totally confused . I mean who the hell are you supposed to believe ? The arguments that are put forth for and against , all make complete sense , but there lies the reason for your confusion .
                                                               Politics is the same , you're not happy with one party , so you change your vote . But what people fail to understand , is that those same politicians actually believe that they have all the answers . And as we all know to our shame , we have given these politicians too much control over our lives , and its getting so much more difficult to get back our humanity , our independence , and especially our individuality . We have given them our everything , in return for false promises never to be kept .We need a system of organized

 non-compliance , non agreement , and pro individualism . What we need is balls . 


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