Nothing More , Nothing Less !

                                                      You get married , you enjoy your freedom , and then children come along . Doesn't sound too good does it ? But no that's not my point , my point is your whole life changes . You are now planning for three , maybe four , but planning for two will be a long time coming again . And that's ok , because you have planned this all along , and to see an extension of yourselves grow and mature is an experience only a parent can understand .You plan as much as you can for their future's , hoping that all will prove what you seen in them in the first place . We my wife and I were blessed with three good children , two boys and a girl . Now as we all know the eldest can have the hardest time , simply because you don't know any different .You have not been there before and every minute is a test for yourself as well as them .
                                                     Then a girl is born , and you are back to square one , because sometimes the same rules don't really apply , for obvious reasons . You have to try and be a little more sensitive , but at all times fair . You just know the future is gonna hold some really strange times and you're gonna have to deal with them .......................tenderly .
                                                     Then your third child is born , and its another boy , and as we always said after and before each birth , as long as they are healthy the sex of the child would never matter .And so it proved to be .
                                                     They started growing and five years old suddenly became ten years old and then fifteen , I think you get the message . The time passes so fast that you are suddenly made more aware of your mortality as well as theirs .The eldest boy gets a job , and the other two are still in school . You watch them growing day by day and are confident they will be able to deal with everything that comes their way , And they don't let you down .
                                                     Then one day you suddenly realize that the behaviour and carry on of your youngest son is not like the way your eldest son was . My wife and I came to the conclusion that we were

imagining things , and we kinda put it to the back of our heads . But the doubts still remain . A couple of years pass and we have just returned from our holidays , and my wife goes up to see our youngest son who was planning to ask her for a loan of some money . He looks at her straight in the eye and says Mam I have something to tell you ," I am Gay " he blurts out instead of asking her for the loan that he intended to .My wife reacts by saying " What took you so long , we've been waiting for you to tell us this long time ! She threw her arms around him and gave him the biggest hug and explained you are homosexual , and we have known about it for so long , but you had to be the one that finally made that declaration . He was so relieved , maybe a bit disappointed that his outburst wasn't as dramatic as he expected it to be . This is who you are son , and this is who you will always be she said , this is your life and be proud of who you are . He is now a married man , with his partner , and they have promised to look after each other and love each other . He is happy and that's all you ask for your children . nothing more nothing less ! 


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