An Identity Crisis !

                                                                Have I been conspicuous by my absence over the previous few days ? Maybe I have maybe I haven't , but what I have been is disinterested . To such a degree I have been sounding out my inner feelings and thoughts , and we have had a good conversation with each other . We have informed each other that it is no longer acceptable to be argumentative about things that might crop up , and that at all times we should be on the same page . Now that sounds a lot easier than it actually is , as we don't always see eye to eye .
                                                               As everyone knows feelings and thoughts have this tendency to get very emotional , and as of late emotional is not one of my favourite traits . When they start , there's just no stopping them , they gather momentum and force themselves upon you so you should take notice . I , just for the record do not like being forced , coerced , or convinced to the contrary of how I'm feeling at any given time . I don't like it , that feeling that someone else is tearing you apart without you even realizing it . You don't even see it coming or happening , until sometimes you have handed over your life to someone  or something else . It would never have been a choice that you would have made , but with all the why don't you do it this ways , and why don't you do it that ways , sometimes its so hard to know your arse from your elbow .
                                                              In saying all that , there will always be people who thrive on that sort of attention . It simply means that they have given their choice away , and that anything decided on their behalf is alright , as they know the recipient will always have their best interests at heart . Its cool that they no longer have to decide issues , and in fact in their particular situation it makes life so much simpler for them . For me though , that just seems to be  a kop out , another way of saying , I no longer am interested in being responsible , any decisions I make will no longer have any depth so just ignore me . What a terrible unfortunate way to see yourself ,
                                                             Whoever is reading this , consider what I am about to say carefully . Have a look around you , your friends , your family , and possibly people you have only met for the first time . Watch their behaviour , watch their partners behaviour , the things I have highlighted in previous paragraphs will suddenly stick out like a sore thumb . You will identify them straight away , and then you will wonder to yourself , what drove you to this ?Is your identity so worthless and meaningless that you give it so easily away ?


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