Optimist / Pessimist , Which one are You ?

                                                         Do you know what word I love ? Well do you ? Its the word optimism . Everyone uses it , they actually live their lives by it . Every morning you wake up and think , I know today is going to be a nice day . Where you have the pessimist , which happens to be my most least loved word , who says to themselves I know today is going to be the worst day of my life .
                                                        Sometimes if you think about it , the pessimist has an advantage over the optimist . You see if it does turn out to be a shit kinda day , at least they won't be disappointed , and if it turns out to be a good day for them well its a kinda bonus not having expected it in the first place . I never really thought about it that way until now , and the more I think about it the more pessimism seems to be the way to go .
                                                       I mean The pessimist never gets disappointed , never expects too much , and never boasts about having gotten it right/wrong . . Where the optimist for example tries out ten different things , and maybe gets three right . But he will be disappointed that the other seven were failures , No such luck with the pessimist , he'll just say three out of ten ain't bad  .
                                                       Too many times we have been let down by optimism , because we always think or believe that some good will happen because we are good effectively . And as we all know that in life being forever the optimist leaves you in a very vulnerable position . I know its hard not to be thinking and hoping for the best , but thinking and hoping doesn't necessarily make it happen . Just a thought to send you off to sleep !


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