Today I Will Remember !

                                                         I wake up some mornings and wonder , what is it I am going to fill my day with today . What is it that's going to entice me to grit my teeth and just take a bite out of it . Firstly lets get to the bottom of the news stories and lets see where that takes us . I am not much of a news person , neither is my wife , but I like to just catch the headlines , and then form an opinion on how things should proceed . Normally we would ask each other , anything strange or startling in your world this morning ? The answer nine times out of ten would be , same shit different day .But that's not what I want to talk about today , as usual I digressed .
                                                        You look in the mirror every morning after waking , and you  never take notice of something very significant and important that's happening right in front of you . The reason you don't take notice is because you are too busy getting your shit together so you can face the day in a positive way , instead of being late and catching up from the get go . You just can't help yourself , everything has to be in its place and everything has to be at hand . Just enough to make the transition through the day as simple and as easy as possible . Being prepared for every eventuality is half the battle , and we just can't let ourselves down being tardy can we ?
                                                        And this goes on every morning , and there is just no other way .You have trained yourself to be someone to rely on , someone to set your watch by , and everybody looks up to you . That is why you are always available for a promotion that will surely make its way to you , eventually .
                                                       Then one morning you look in the same mirror you have been looking into for so many years , and you stop ..............................For the first time in so many years you actually take notice of who is looking back at you . No its not a hologram , no its not who you thought you were , its suddenly dawned on you who you've become . You are no longer someone you recognize , to all intents and purposes you are looking at a stranger . Someone who has changed so much in so many years that you never noticed this sudden transformation . Even when you think about things , its not with the views you held so dear when you were a little younger , no your views have been altered and twisted to suit this transformation .
                                                      You're confused , today is not going to be a good day , you think to yourself . I have changed direction you admit to yourself , how did this happen without me knowing ? You will today try and salvage any of your past you can save , and you will be happy . You must be happy , you must make right this incredible wrong you have created through your apathy and your cynicism . This will not be the day I fall apart , I owe too much to myself to let that happen . Today I will be strong , Today I will remember ! Today is for starting over .


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